Channel: Maia Atlantis: Ancient World Blogs
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There Must Be A Word For Them


I’m looking for a single word or even a two word phrase that suggests the author(s) (including anyone involved in an oral creation process), compiler(s), editor(s), excerpters, readers, and referencers of a literary work or collection of literary works. For example, I want to say something like, “The ???s of Homer . . .” or “The ???s of the Gilgamesh Epic . . .” or “The ???s of the Book of Exodus . . ” and mean by ???s all those who had or have an interest in a written work or set of works. But I want ??? to indicate the people and not necessarily the process in which they were or are involved. For this reason, “literary tradition” or the like won’t do. There must be a word for this set of people but just now I have no idea what it is. Do you?

Open Access Bulletin: Institut kurde de Paris: Liaison and Information bulletin

Open Access Journal Archive: Kurdistans sol

Open Access Journal Archive: Etudes kurdes (2000-2006)

Alphabetical List of Open Access Journals in Middle Eastern Studies

[First posted 1/3/11, updated 6/8/11, updated 12/5/11]

This is a list of Open Access Journals in Middle Eastern Studies collected since we began AMIR on December 5, 2010. It is by no means complete. We welcome your comments and your suggestions of titles to include. Please use the comment feature at the bottom of the page.

392 titles as of December 10, 2011.

                    Open Access Journal: Kurdish Human Rights Project legal review


                    Kurdish Human Rights Project legal review,
                    London, Vol. 5, 2004-
                    Frequency: Semiannual
                    "Kurdish Human Rights Project is an independent, non-political human rights organisation dedicated to the promotion and protection of the human rights of all persons in the Kurdish regions of Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria and elsewhere. It is a registered charity founded in London in 1992 working with its partner organisations in the regions."

                    See other open access publication of KHRP at:

                    The Aztecs, 3rd edition

                    The third edition of my book, The Aztecs, is now out. I just received my advance copies; it should be available for purchase in about a month (although you can go ahead and order it now!). Calixtlahuaca is discussed in a number of places in the book, and there are some photos and drawings from our project.

                    I managed to get a photo of Calixtlahuaca on the cover of my book, Aztec City-State Capitals (2008). For the new edition of The Aztecs, the cover shows the nice double-stair pyramid of Teopanzolco in Cuernavaca.

                    Conferencia sobre la crisis griega

                    (foto de ptrix en FLICKR)

                    Mañana martes 13 de diciembre a las 19'30h se va a celebrar en el salón de actos de la facultad de Economía de la Universidad de Zaragoza (Gran Vía nº2) una mesa redonda sobre el tema "La crisis griega y sus implicaciones para Europa y España".

                    He aquí el programa de temas y ponentes:

                    * Grecia: Historia reciente y contexto político, Manuel GIATSIDIS, Profesor de Griego Moderno del Centro Universitario de Lenguas Modernas, Universidad de Zaragoza

                    * La crisis actual en perspectiva histórica, Eloy FERNÁNDEZ CLEMENTE, Profesor emérito, Facultad de Economía y Empresa de la Universidad de Zaragoza y autor del libro titulado “Ulises en el siglo XX. Crisis y modernización de Grecia (1900-1930)”

                    * La crisis económica en Grecia, Nektarios ASLANIDIS, Profesor Agregat, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Reus

                    * La crisis en Grecia: implicaciones para Europa y España, José AIXALÁ PASTÓ, Profesor Titular de Economía Aplicada, Facultad de Economía y Empresa de la Universidad de Zaragoza

                    Modera: Stelios STAVRIDIS, Investigador Senior ARAID, Grupo de Investigación sobre Gobernanza Mundial y Unión Europea, Universidad de Zaragoza.

                    Dado el interés del tema y la oportunidad que supone de poder escuchar opiniones sobre el mismo desde una perspectiva distinta de la que suele prevalecer en los medios de comunicación dominantes, os recomiendo la asistencia al acto. Por mi parte, me comprometo a difundir en otra entrada el contenido del mismo que se haga público.

                    Felicito desde aquí por la iniciativa a los organizadores:

                    Asociación Cultural Heleno – Aragonesa “Pansélinos”
                    Centro Universitario de Lenguas Modernas, Universidad de Zaragoza
                    Grupo de Investigación “Gobernanza Mundial y Unión Europea”, Un. de Zaragoza
                    Master Universitario Unión Europea, Universidad de Zaragoza

                    Latin Speaker Wanted

                    A reader wants to know if someone who speaks conversational Latin at a children's level is willing to chat with his school age child and two others:
                    "My question for you is whether you might know someone or know where I might try to find someone who could speak Latin well enough to work with the children. With Skype™, that person could be anywhere in the world. All they need is a willingness to have a conversation for a half hour or so each week with three children, and talk about Legos® or whatever comes to mind....I am convinced these three children would be off like rockets into speaking Latin if I could find the right catalyst-person."

                    Read Full Post



                    I have a long-standing fascination with the written word (duh), so when I recently stumbled across a handful of papers about papyrus, how you make it and how old it is, how could I possibly resist writing a new article about the mother of writing papers?


                    Read Full Post

                    Where is Maximinus Daia?


                    The more observant will realise that there is a distinct lack of Maximinus Daia this week. Emperors of Rome has jumped from Galerius to Severus. Editing the video at the weekend I realised that there was a technical SNAFU with the video. Rather than go on an extended break - my brilliant and patient cameraman is currently filming for someone else in Cuba - I have decided to come back to Maximinus at a later date. Apologies.

                    #47 Severus: Emperors of Rome

                    Un parco a tema su Pompei

                    In Saturday's La Reppublica, yet another proposal for a Disneyland-like reconstruction of Pompeii. What gets me is that the people presenting it always seem to think their new is idea and original - and yet these types of reconstructions are proposed all the time. One day I'm going to write a paper about this ...
                    Un parco a tema su Pompei
                    Napoli Est come Hollywood

                    La città distrutta dal Vesuvio nel 79 dopo Cristo ricostruita nella periferia orientale: riproduzioni di palazzi e ville, percorsi didattici e cinematografici: potrebbe creare fino a 50mila posti di lavoro. Per ora è solo una proposta dell'associazione Verdecologista, la cui presidenza sarà presto assunta da Amato Lamberti.

                    Un parco a tema a Napoli Est, ambientato nel 79 dopo Cristo, con riproduzioni di palazzi e ville pompeiane, percorsi cinematografici, didattici e di divertimento. L'iniziativa - che secondo gli ideatori del progetto potrebbe creare fino a 50mila posti di lavoro - si chiama "Pompeiworld - Pompei Universal Studios" ed è stata presentata nel corso di una conferenza stampa organizzata dall'associazione ambientalista Verdecologista nel gran Caffè Gambrinus di piazza Trieste e Trento.

                    All'incontro hanno preso parte i consiglieri comunali Carmine Attanasio, Teresa Caiazzo e Carmine Schiano.

                    "E' l'ultima iniziativa che ho messo in campo in qualità di presidente dell'associazione ambientalista Verdecologista - ha detto Attanasio - in quanto a breve l'associazione sarà rifondata e ne assumerà la presidenza l'ex presidente della provincia di Napoli Amato Lamberti".
                    Read the full story here.

                    M. Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère et V. Dasen, Des Fata aux fées: regards croisés de ...



                    Martine Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère et Véronique Dasen (éd.), Des Fata aux fées : regards croisés de l'Antiquité à nos jours, Lausanne, 2011.

                    Éditeur : Université de Lausanne
                    Collection : Revue Etudes de lettres 2011/3-4
                    426 pages
                    ISBN : 978-2-940331-26-0
                    26 CHF

                    D'où vient l'histoire de La Belle au bois dormant? Qui sont les «fées» présentes lors de la naissance de la petite princesse? Ce volume rassemble des contributions qui rendent compte de l'extraordinaire richesse et complexité de cette vieille histoire que l'on croyait familière, depuis ses lointaines origines dans les cultes et rites de la naissance au Moyen-Orient. Le destin qui se joue au moment de la naissance lie la vie et la parole, et cette association inscrite dans l'étymologie du mot fée s'est manifestée dans l'art, la littérature et la culture occidentale jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Le volume propose des éclairages inédits sur la longue tradition iconographique et littéraire en lien avec La Belle au bois dormant, des reliefs sumériens aux célèbres contes de Perrault et des Grimm, jusqu'à leurs réécritures et adaptations cinématographiques contemporaines.

                    Lire la suite...

                    Experts stumped by ancient Jerusalem markings

                    Israeli archaeologists excavating in the oldest part of Jerusalem discovered a complex of rooms with three 'V' shapes and other features carved deeply into the solid stone floor. There were...

                    Earliest human sleeping mats found in South Africa

                    A team working in South Africa claims to have found the earliest known sleeping mats, made of plant material and dated up to 77,000 years ago - 50,000 years earlier...

                    A dry Dead Sea before biblical times

                    The Dead Sea nearly disappeared about 120,000 years ago, say researchers who drilled below one of the deepest parts. The new research started as an attempt to understand the history...

                    Versace for H&M and ancient Greek inspiration



                    Versace’s collection for H&M sold out in minutes last month. I am not certain, though, if the enthusiastic shoppers are aware that Versace’s inspiration came from ancient Greece. In the following shoppers you can clearly see the effect of classical tradition. Again, I cannot but wonder at this sudden turn towards the ancient Greek civilisation this year. In any case, it is quite a positive one for Greek tourism.




                    Exhibition review: Außergewöhnliche Pompeji-Ausstellung in Halle


                    See below for a review in Archaologie Online of the new exhibition in Halle 'Pompeji, Nola, Herculaneum - Katastrophen am Vesuv'. This exhibition looks great - I particularly like that it covers the prehistoric village at Nola.

                    Außergewöhnliche Pompeji-Ausstellung in Halle
                    Zahlreiche Exponate erstmals und zum letzten Mal außerhalb Italiens zu sehen

                    Vom 9. Dezember 2011 bis 8. Juni 2012 beherbergt das Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Halle die größte und umfassendste Pompeji-Ausstellung der letzten Jahre. Auf einer Fläche von 1.300 m² werden ca. 600 Exponate präsentiert. Das neuartige Konzept der Ausstellung wurde eigens für diese Präsentation entwickelt und ermöglicht eine neue Sicht auf die verschütteten Stätten am Vesuv.

                    Unter dem Titel »Pompeji, Nola, Herculaneum - Katastrophen am Vesuv« präsentiert Sachsen-Anhalts neue Landesausstellung ab heute eine neue Sicht auf eine Region, wo im 18. Jahrhundert die ersten großen und systematischen Ausgrabungen durchgeführt wurden und die Archäologie als wissenschaftliche Disziplin etabliert wurde. Die Schau ist keineswegs nur ein neuer Aufguss anderer Pompeji-Ausstellungen, von denen schon einige in Deutschland zu sehen waren. Zwar stößt man auch in Halle auf bekannte und berühmte Funde aus dem Ort, der im Jahr 79 n. Chr. unter Vulkanasche begraben wurde, doch den thematischen Bogen spannten die Ausstellungsmacher weiter.

                    See here for the full article.

                    2011.12.31: A Companion to Ancient Macedonia. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Ancient History

                    Review of Joseph Roisman, Ian Worthington, A Companion to Ancient Macedonia. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Ancient History. Chichester; Malden, MA: 2010. Pp. xxvi, 668, 16 p. of plates. $199.95. ISBN 9781405179362.
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