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In the case of Unpapered Artefacts Without Documented Collecting History, 'Who Knows?' Caveat Emptor.


 Last month I discussed a seizure by the Italian Carabinieri of antiquities from a Roman property developer who now faces prosecution for possessing illegally excavated works. But the Art Museum is, interestingly, taking this further perhaps on behalf of the beleaguered collector (?) (Cristina Ruiz, 'Top experts dispute Italian police claims about seized ‘antiquities’...' Art Newspaper 19th June 2018):
When we sent this picture to five independent experts, all of them questioned the objects’ authenticity. Although the specialists said they could not offer a definitive opinion based on a photograph, all of them expressed grave doubts. 
Four of these six (not five) specialists are unnamed, so it is not clear in what their specialism lies, one says he 'cannot imagine where a terracotta life-size horse head could come from in antiquity', a second decided the horse and a bull head were 'crude copies' and a third questions the value assigned to the seized artefacts, and in the case of the vase on the far right, 'The background colour is suspicious as well as the shape of the vessel. There are subtleties in where the handles are placed, the shape of the vessel as well as the foot, which are giving me pause for thought'. A fourth also  had suspicions about the two vases shown as well as the larger terracottas ('but they are good quality. As I understand it, the Italian forgers [are] some of the best'). 
The London-based dealer Rupert Wace concurred. “The bull and horse heads do look dubious,” he said, adding that “the value suggested for the pieces in the photograph is preposterous, even if the objects are genuine”. [...] John Boardman, emeritus professor of classical archaeology at the University of Oxford, said: “The vases look more plausible than the rest, but who knows?”
One thing they do not mention, to judge by the way they are propped up with grey boxes, neither the bull head nor the horsey one seem to have been mounted in the collector's original display. Why not?

I think the newspaper is trying to limit the damage done to public opinion about the antiquities market by this sort of seizure, but instead with that 'who knows?', they've done another kind of damage. How can you trust a dealer's opinion if six specialists differ so much in their opinion based on the same evidence? How much of what a dealer claims about an artefact they are trying to sell is substantive information, and how much just guesswork and humbug?


New testing method suggests baby Anzick-1 was same age as surrounding Clovis artifacts

A team of researchers from the University of Oxford, Texas A&M University and Stafford Research...

Newly added to Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis Online, June 19, 2018

Newly added to Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis Online. There are 247 volumes of this series now online open access.   
Bodi, Daniel (1991). The Book of Ezekiel and the Poem of Erra. Freiburg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Universitätsverlag / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Schenker, Adrian (1991). Text und Sinn im Alten Testament: Textgeschichtliche bibeltheologische Studien. Freiburg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Universitätsverlag / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Henninger, Joseph (1989). Arabica Varia: Aufsätze zur Kulturgeschichte Arabiens und seiner Randgeschichte. Freiburg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Universitätsverlag / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Trismegistos texrelations API


The new Trismegistos texrelations API  has been released. The goal of this API is to connect different partner-projects working on the Antiquity. The API returns matching ids of inscriptions in extremely simple formats.

You can find the API’s documentation at: https://www.trismegistos.org/dataservices/texrelations/documentation/ and the endpoints at:

Gespreksavond over WO1-archeologie op 21 juni in Ieper


Naar aanleiding van de tentoonstelling ‘Sporen van Oorlog’ organiseert het In Flanders Fields Museum in Ieper op donderdag 21 juni een gespreksavond over de archeologie van de Eerste Wereldoorlog.

18u Vrij bezoek aan de tentoonstelling Sporen van Oorlog.
19u Gespreksavond met
– Piet Chielens (moderator), In Flanders Fields Museum
– Arnout Hauben, Productiehuis De Chinezen
– Birger Stichelbaut, UGENT / In Flanders FIelds (CHAL)
– Simon Verdegem, Archeologiebedrijf Ruben Willaert
– Sam De Decker, Agentschap Onroerend Erfgoed
de gespreksavond vindt plaats in het Museumcafé van het In Flanders Fields Museum. Inschrijven via lynn.maelfeyt@ieper.be (057 239 450). Inkom 5 euro (1 drankje inbegrepen), betalen aan de deur.

De kopten, een ander Egypte


In het Teseum in Tongeren opende dit weekend de tentoonstelling ‘De kopten, een ander Egypte’. Prachtige tunica’s, indrukwekkend textiel, intrigerende gebruiksvoorwerpen als kammen, kruiken en mutsen … het zijn allemaal sporen van de rijke materiële cultuur en het vakmanschap van de kopten. De expo toont de geschiedenis van dit weinig gekende Egyptische volk en hun manier van leven.

Egypte associeert men meestal met pyramides, mummies en hiërogliefen. Maar een andere cultuur die zich vanaf de 4de eeuw ontwikkelt, is deze van de kopten. Ze stellen zich graag voor als de laatste erfgenamen van de faraonische beschaving. Zo hebben de kopten zeker één aspect lang bewaard: de taal.

De cultuur van de kopten, de christelijke Egyptenaren, was lange tijd ongekend voor het Westen. Sinds het einde van de 19de eeuw was er een grote fascinatie voor Egypte. Europa herontdekte het vergeten Egypte met een enorme belangstelling voor de kopten. Er werden ook indrukwekkende verzamelingen opgebouwd.

Het Teseum krijgt de gelegenheid om de rijke collectie van the Phoebus Foundation uit te lenen. Maar liefst 80 objecten gaande van kledij, weefsels tot gereedschap vertellen ons meer over de ambacht van de kopten. De expo besteeds ook aandacht aan de mensen die de weefsels ooit droegen en de cultuur waarin ze leefden. Het publiek kan zich te goed doen aan koptische teksten, architectuurfragmenten, aardewerk en huishoudelijke voorwerpen uit het dagelijkse leven.

De tentoonstelling loopt nog tot 2 december en maakt deel uit van het vaste museumparcours van Teseum. Meer info op www.teseum.be.

CREWS Visiting Fellowship Scheme

August 10, 2018

"Applications are invited for a Visiting Fellowship with the ERC-funded Project Contexts of and Relations between Early Writing Systems (CREWS, grant no. 677758), which is based in the Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge. A CREWS Visiting Fellowship may be held for up to three months and is intended to allow the holder to conduct a key piece of research on a theme in line with the Project’s main areas of research focus. The Fellowship does not carry a stipend or honorarium, but funding is provided to reimburse travel and accommodation expenses.

Contact Name: 

Newly added to Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, Series Archaeologica Online, June 14/19, 2018

Newly added to Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, Series Archaeologica Online. There are 23 volumes of this series now online open access.
Doumet, Claude (1992). Sceaux et cylindres orientaux: la collection Chiha. Fribourg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Éditions Universitaires / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Eichler, Seyyare; Haas, Volkert; Steudler, Daniel; Wäfler, Markus; Warburton, David (1985). Tall al-Ḥamīdīya 1: Vorbericht 1984. Freiburg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Universitätsverlag / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Kaelin, Oskar (2006). "Modell Ägypten" Adoption von Innovationen im Mesopotamien des 3. Jahrtausends v. Chr. Fribourg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Academic Press / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

New Dates Obtained for Clovis Burial Site


Clovis Anzick childCOLLEGE STATION, TEXAS—The Billings Gazette reports that continued analysis of the remains of the so-called Anzick-1 child and the more than 100 antler and stone tools found near his grave in Montana has shown that they all date to the Clovis period, between 13,000 and 12,700 years ago. Discovered on the Anzick family property in 1968 during construction work, the body and the tools had all been covered with red ochre. Previous study of the remains indicated the child died some 12,700 years ago, but questioned whether the tools had been buried at the same time. Some scholars thought the antler artifacts may have been handed down over generations, thus accounting for their older dates. The new tests, conducted from samples retrieved before the remains were reburied in 2014, isolated the amino acid hydroxyproline from the human bones and the antler artifacts, in order to conduct a test that would not be affected by contamination with modern carbon. This time, both the human remains and the antler artifacts were dated to between 12,725 and 12,900 years old. “It’s reassuring,” said molecular biologist Sarah Anzick, whose parents own the property where the child was found. “It’s a Clovis burial.” For more on the Anzick burial, go to “First American Family Tree.”

Possible Viking Color Palette Revealed


Denmark Viking colorsCOPENHAGEN, DENMARK—Conservators Line Bregnhøi and Lars Holten of the National Museum of Denmark have reproduced the bold colors thought to have been used to decorate the largest Viking building known in Denmark, according to a Science Nordic report. The researchers analyzed samples of pigments taken from the remains of the building, known as the Royal Hall at Sagnlandet Lejre. “On the rare occasion that we excavate a piece of painted wood, the color looks nothing like the original,” explained archaeologist Henriette Syrach Lyngstrøm of the University of Copenhagen. Parts of the structure were painted with linseed oil paint, which was the most durable of the binding agents used by the Vikings, but they also used milk products and eggs as binders on other projects. For more, go to “The Viking Great Army.”

1,000-Year-Old Islamic Amulet Uncovered in Jerusalem


Jerusalem Arabic amuletJERUSALEM, ISRAEL—According to a Haaretzreport, a 1,000-year-old Islamic amulet has been found in one of the oldest areas of the city of Jerusalem. “Kareem trusts in Allah—Lord of the Worlds is Allah,” reads the amulet’s Arabic inscription. Yiftah Shalev of the Israel Antiquities Authority said the amulet would have been used to gain personal protection. It was recovered from between layers of plaster flooring in a poorly preserved structure, but it is not clear whether it was placed there as a talisman, or whether it was lost by its owner. “We found some foundation walls and floor tiles,” said Shalev. “It was a simple structure, possibly residential with some small industry.” Shalev explained that there may have been more of the small, clay amulets, but they have not survived. Similar dedications dating from the eighth through tenth centuries A.D. have been found along the Darb al-Haj, the pilgrimage route to Mecca. To read in-depth about an Umayyad desert castle in the vicinity of Jerusalem, go to “Expanding the Story.”

Newly Open Access Monograph Series: Middle Kingdom Studies Series

Middle Kingdom Studies Series
The electronic files are only to be distributed from the University of Pisa and in the case of the series Middle Kingdom Studies by Golden House Publications, London. Users may download only one copy for their own personal use. © The University of Pisa. Copyright remains in general with the author(s) and the publishing house(s).
Users may not: modify, obscure, or remove any copyright notice or other attribution included in the content; incorporate the content into an unrestricted database or website; systematically print out or download the content to stock or replace print holdings; reproduce or distribute the content, without prior permission from the publisher and other applicable rights holders.
Rights-Access Restrictions: The material uploaded in this platform may not be used for commercial purposes or gains. For purposes of clarification, “commercial purposes or gains” shall not include research whose end-use is commercial in nature. It can be used for: research activities; classroom or organizational instruction and related classroom or organizational activities; student assignments; as part of a scholarly, cultural, educational or organizational presentation or workshop, if such use conforms to the customary and usual practice in the field.
  1.  Miniaci G., Grajetzki W. (eds.), The World of Middle Kingdom Egypt (2000-1550 BC). Contributions on archaeology, art, religion, and written sources, Volume I, London 2015.

Onderzoek middeleeuwse woonwijk onder Hopmarkt Aalst te boek gesteld


Vorige week rolde een nieuw volume van de Relicta Monografieën van de persen. Het focust op de resultaten van het onderzoek naar een middeleeuwse woonwijk onder de Hopmarkt in Aalst. Met zijn 622 pagina’s is het meteen de uitgebreidste archeologische studie die tot nu toe in Vlaanderen over een middeleeuwse stadswijk is gepubliceerd. Het is boek is te koop in museum ’t Gasthuys in Aalst, maar ook digitaal raadpleegbaar via het open archief van Onroerend Erfgoed.

Why the Sangh Parivar’s Idea of Building a ‘Hindu Dham’ in Cambodia Is Wrong

Survey of Bagan soil stability ongoing: official

via Myanmar Times, 19 June 2018: Experts have finished measurements of the subgrade stability of the soil in Nan Taw Yaw in the Bagan ancient cultural zone, said U Saw Htwe Zaw, deputy chair of the Myanmar Earthquake Committee, on Monday. Source: Survey of Bagan soil stability ongoing: official

Исторические Исследования honouring I. V. Jatsenko (2017)

Le numéro 8 (2017) de la revue Исторические Исследования de la Faculté d’histoire de l’Université d’État de Moscou M. V. Lomonosov publie une partie des communications de la conférence en l’honneur de I. V. Jatsenko (1921-2014), spécialiste des Scythes et … Lire la suite

Explosive volcanoes spawned mysterious Martian rock formation

Explosive volcanic eruptions that shot jets of hot ash, rock and gas skyward are the likely source of a mysterious Martian rock formation, a new study finds. The new finding could add to scientists' understanding of Mars's interior and its past potential for habitability, according to the study's authors. A 13-kilometer (8-mile) diameter crater being infilled by the Medusae Fossae Formation [Credit: High Resolution Stereo...

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Hunting molecules to find new planets

Each exoplanet revolves around a star, like the Earth around the Sun. This is why it is generally impossible to obtain images of an exoplanet, so dazzling is the light of its star. However, a team of astronomers, led by a researcher from the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and member of NCCR PlanetS, had the idea of detecting certain molecules that are present in the planet's atmosphere in order to make it visible, provided that these...

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Researchers capture best ever evidence of rare black hole

Scientists have been able to prove the existence of small black holes and those that are super-massive but the existence of an elusive type of black hole, known as intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs) is hotly debated. New research coming out of the Space Science Center at the University of New Hampshire shows the strongest evidence to date that this middle-of-the-road black hole exists, by serendipitously capturing one in action...

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Fish with a large snout helps scientists understand strange genetic traits

There has long been a debate among biologists over whether the evolution of new traits requires new genes to evolve or whether they can arise simply from the recruitment of existing genetic pathways, says developmental biologist Craig Albertson at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. An African cichlid fish with an extra large snout. In PNAS, UMass Amherst biologists offer evidence that the evolution of such a trait is due in...

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