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Aanpassingen regelgeving onroerend erfgoed in werking getreden


Op 1 januari veranderden er verschillende zaken aan de regelgeving rond onroerend erfgoed en het bijhorende premiestelsel. Op de website van het agentschap Onroerend Erfgoed werd intussen alle nodige informatie geüpdatet. Ook de aangepaste formulieren staan er al ter beschikking. De volgende maanden zal het agentschap ook alle folders, richtlijnen en andere documenten vernieuwen. Een overzicht van de belangrijkste wijzigingen vind je op onroerenderfgoed.be.

Unreported 'Metal Detecting' Reaches Crisis Proportions in England and Wales [UPDATED]

Wikipedia (UPDATE: Wales now
added to the picture for Liz Howe,
even though the DCMS Survey
 was of England)

Hannah Furness, arts correspondent, 'Payday for metal detectorists as average treasure find now worth £2,671' Telegraph 29th Dec
They may be stereotyped as amateur hobbyists, spending their evenings traipsing through fields for the love of the search. But the life of a metal detectorist can very well pay off, it seems. The average treasure find reported to the authorities and valued last year made £2,671, it has emerged, a total value of £643,683 across 241 items. It is the first time the valuation committee has released figured for the average find, as the number of reported treasures continues to rise each year. 2018[...] Referring to a DCMS study which showed that 1.5 per cent of adults in England had taken part in metal detecting in the last year, [Michael Ellis, arts minister] said: “This increase in detecting has contributed hugely to the extension of our knowledge of our past.”
But it is not, is it? Most of the finds that are hoiked out by increasing numbers of these people are not recorded, the PAS is working at capacity, and the number of finds recorded year by year has remained more or less the same for the past ten years or so. So in fact the net effect is a loss of information as more and more artefacts are being emptied from the archaeological record into people's pockets.

1.5% of the current population of England is 795,200  people. Nearly eight hundred thousand people (!). The PAS has a capacity to deal with the finds made by just several thousand people. the shortfall is several hundred thousand. Surely, even the most diehard archaeological supporter of collecting must admit that this situation cannot go on.

The Scale of the Damage


At the end of 2018 (midnight 31st December), my unofficial revised Artefact Erosion Counter had ticked past 6,656,833 objects. In the period from the beginning of the Scheme, the PAS has managed to make just 886653 records. Though some of these records contain more than one object included together, it is not an impressive showing.

New Thoughts on Neanderthals’ Diet


WASHINGTON, D.C.—The levels of nitrogen-15 in Neanderthal bones are so high that they suggest the early human relatives ate more meat than do carnivores such as hyenas. According to a Science News report, paleobiologist Kimberly Foecke of George Washington University thinks those high levels of nitrogen-15 might be due to the condition of the meat that Neanderthals consumed. To check the levels of nitrogen in rotting meat, Foecke left steaks cut from animals that had been raised without hormones or antibiotics outside in a box covered with mesh, and sampled them daily for 16 days. Preliminary results suggest that the levels of nitrogen-15 fluctuated as the meat rotted, and increased during the first week, while the meat was still moist. Foecke says that could account for the high levels of nitrogen-15 found in Neanderthal remains, since the carcass of a large animal might have fed a Neanderthal group for several days. She will next test what happens to the levels of nitrogen-15 in cooked and smoked meats over time. For more, go to “A Traditional Neanderthal Home.”

Medieval Fishing Baskets Found in Wales


MONMOUTHSHIRE, WALES—BBC News reports that two members of the Black Rock Lave Net Heritage Fishery discovered four fishing baskets thought to date back to the fourteenth century in the Severn Estuary while walking along a river bank. Recent storms are thought to have shifted the silt and clay in which the baskets had been buried. The baskets will be recorded and left in place, since they are too delicate to move. “They must have been discarded or lost, or there could have been some event which covered them up,” said Martin Morgan, one of the two fishermen who spotted the artifacts. To read about another recent serendipitous discovery in Wales, go to “The Marks of Time: Medieval Castle.”

Beth Mardutho

 [First posted in AWOL 9 September 2011, updates 2 January 2019]

Beth Mardutho

Our Mission

Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute seeks to promote the study and preservation of the Syriac heritage and language, and to facilitate opportunities for people to pursue the study of this ancient legacy globally. We aim to serve the academic community and the heirs of the Syriac heritage transcending denominational diversity. We carry out innovative educational projects that globalize Syriac studies, making it available through the internet in every university, classroom, library and home.

Our History

In 1992, the Institute — formerly known as The Syriac Computing Institute (SyrCOM) — was established informally by George Anton Kiraz, then at the University of Cambridge. SyrCOM’s main objective was to attract volunteers to work on Syriac projects by means of computer technology.
In 1996, SyrCOM moved to New Jersey, where it was formally registered as a nonprofit organization with a board of trustees governing its activities. By the year 2000, SyrCOM had successfully ventured into a wide range of exciting projects, from technological contributions such as the development of fonts for Windows 2000 Professional™, to scholarly activities such as the electronic publication of eBooks and an eJournal. Through these innovative projects, the Institute earned the respect and support of Syriac scholarship and the Syriac-speaking communities.
At the dawn of the Third Millennium, SyrCOM’s mission was broadened with a new name to reflect its objectives. The Institute’s Syriac name, Beth Mardutho, implies a ‘place of learning’, portraying the ultimate goal of the Institute: The establishment of a Syriac studies center affiliated with leading universities that globalizes Syriac studies through the Internet.


aama: Afro-Asiatic Morphology Archive

aama: Afro-Asiatic Morphology Archive
Gene B. Gragg
The purpose of the AAMA Project is to create a morphological archive whose data can be:
  • curated (edited/created) -- and hopefully shared!
  • inspected
  • manipulated
  • queried
on individual browsers.
In the first instance the archive should make available and comparable the major morphological paradigms of some forty Cushitic and Omotic languages, and in the longer term help situate the morphologies of these two language families within Afroasiatic. Ultimately we hope also that the archive and its accompanying software may serve as a tool for exploration of typology and structure of the form of linguistic organization known as the paradigm.
  1. The AAMA Project
  2. Installing and configuring required software
  3. Download data and tools
  4. The EDN format for morphological data
  5. Paradigm Labels in the AAMA archve
  6. Generate RDF data from morphological data files
  7. Upload RDF data to SPARQL service
  8. Query SPARQL service
  9. Remote Data and Webapp Update

Archaeologists Search for Acadian Cemetery in Nova Scotia


Fort Anne AcadiansANNAPOLIS ROYAL, NOVA SCOTIA—According to a CBC News report, a ground-penetrating radar survey at Fort Anne, a star-shaped fort that was built on the Annapolis River in the eighteenth century, detected anomalies that could be traces of an earlier Acadian cemetery. Parks Canada site manager Ted Dolan said the Acadians were French colonists who arrived at the site in 1636 with Governor Charles de Menou d’Aulnay and came to identify themselves as Canadians within a few generations. As many as 2,000 Arcadians may have been buried at the site before the British drove them out during the French and Indian War in the 1750s. Many of the Acadians eventually settled in Louisiana. To read in-depth about the discovery of a nineteenth-century ship in Canada, go to “Franklin’s Last Voyage.”

Dumbdown in German Archaeology Too


Comfy bling and dumbdown is
all we can offer the public? 
On his Archaeologik blog, Rainer Schreg has summarised a critique of a current exhibition 'Bewegte Zeiten. Archäologie in Deutschland' in the Berlin Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte. Its themes are supposed to be the fundamental importance of migration, cultural contacts and flows of goods and ideas. The reviewer however notes that the theme is topical, but 'it appears to have been superimposed on the finds' in the interests of making archaeology 'relevant'. Meanwhile the public is not introduced to many issues connected with the study, through the material culture, of mobility, conflict, exchange and innovation.  The reviewer has doubts not only on the way the exhibition represents the scientific achievements of the archaeological method, rather than rep[resenting the discipline as a means merely to accumulate new finds:
Das Verständnis des historischen Wandels ist m.E. die zentrale Aufgabe der Archäologie und so wäre die Ausstellung genau die Plattform gewesen, diesbezüglich die wissenschaftlichen Leistungen der Archäologie darzustellen, die eben nicht darin bestehen, neue Funde anzuhäufen. Genau das versuchen wir doch immer wieder den Raubgräbern entgegen zu halten..."Sharing Heritage" ist heute nicht nur ein Anspruch einer demokratischen Zivilgesellschaft, sondern auch eine wichtige Möglichkeit, um Akzeptanz zu schaffen und um die Ressource Vergangenheit / Kulturerbe nachhaltig und ethisch zu erschließen.
These are the same problems as are being faced by British archaeology, and perhaps this is something that needs more, and wider, discussion.

Jeroboam as Moses?

<img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/blogspot/ABNx/~4/PlKFtvmBOEU" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Biblical Studies Carnival 154

<img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/blogspot/ABNx/~4/m6vLmTdxoHs" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

M. Biraud et A. Zucker (éd.), The Letters of Alciphron. A Unified Literary Work?



Michèle Biraud et Arnaud Zucker (éd.), The Letters of Alciphron. A Unified Literary Work?, Nice, 2018.

Éditeur : Brill
Collection : Mnemosyne, Supplements, Volume 424
275 pages
ISBN : 978-90-04-38338-8
95 €

In ‘The Letters of Alciphron: A Unified Literary Work?', Michèle Biraud and Arnaud Zucker have gathered a dozen international contributions about the collection of letters of Alciphron, hitherto mainly studied as part of the epistolary genre at the time of the Second Sophistic or as testimony of a nostalgia for the Athens of Menander's time. The aim is to show the unity of a literary project through studies on the careful arrangement of each book (overall organization, coherent reappropriation of a culture, innovations in generic hybridization) and various elements of cohesion between the four books. For this purpose, were used as tools codicological criticism, stylistic and rhetorical examination, analysis of prosody, study of thematic treatments, uses of onomastics.

Source : Brill ed.

Finds to watch for in 2019

<img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/blogspot/ABNx/~4/wSCDunmi_sk" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

U.S. and Israel withdraw from UNESCO

<img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/blogspot/ABNx/~4/MZ66Bbhn6BE" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Doctor Who 2019 New Year’s Day Special: Resolution

This post contains spoilers – if you wish to avoid them, stop reading now! The title of the 2019 Doctor Who New Year’s Day Special, “Resolution,” is intentionally punny. It refers, of course, to the practice of making New Year’s resolutions, committing to changes in one’s life. But it also refers to resolution of plot […]

Gulpvallei, Altenbroek en Voervallei definitief beschermd als landschap


Vlaams minister Geert Bourgeois heeft de Gulpvallei, Altenbroek en de Voervallei met hun omgeving definitief beschermd als cultuurhistorisch landschap. “Het Voerense landschap is zowel op esthetisch als historisch vlak een erfgoedparel. Met de bescherming als cultuurhistorisch landschap verzekeren we de bewaring van dit prachtige gebied voor toekomstige generaties,” aldus Bourgeois.

Het cultuurhistorische landschap van de Gulpvallei start vanaf de grens met Hombourg (Wallonië) in het zuiden tot aan de grens met Slenaken (Nederland) in het noorden. De Kloosterhofhoeve en aanpalende bronnenrijke graslanden in de Teuvenbeek liggen aan de westelijke zijde van het beschermde landschap. De bescherming van Altenbroek en de Voervallei omvat van oost naar west de vallei van de Veurs vanaf Krindaal en de vallei van de Voer van Sint-Martens-Voeren tot aan de westelijke staatsgrens met Nederland. Het volledige gebied van Altenbroek en de omgeving van het Hoogbos vormen de noordelijke grens.

De valleigraslanden en de aanpalende grasland- en graftenrijke hellingsgronden vormen een belangrijke component binnen het landschap. De aanpalende (beboste) hellingen en plateaus hebben eveneens een grote erfgoedwaarde en samenhang met de valleien. De Gulpvallei bevat een grote dichtheid aan punt- en lijnvormige landschapselementen zoals houtkanten, solitaire bomen, veekeringshagen van geschoren meidoorn en holle wegen. In de valleien en op de hellingen komen veel historische graslanden voor, soms met hoogstamboomgaard en vaak begrensd door houtkanten op graften of meidoornhagen. Tijdens de beschermingsprocedure is er ook overleg geweest met de betrokken beheerders en landbouwers.

Verspreid in het landschap liggen gebouwen met erfgoedwaarde, zoals het kasteeldomein van Obsinnich, het Kasteel van Teuven, de Abdij van Sinnich en het kasteeldomein van Altenbroek. Het gebied is ontsloten door een dicht stelsel van holle wegen. Vaak staan op kruispunten wegkruisen of kapellen. Ter hoogte van Nurop is er een wad, een weg die de Gulpbeek kruist.

EU-Brazil Sector Dialogues on interoperability of systems for combating illicit trafficking of cultural objects

crisis Brazil has endured chronic crisis, including widespread crime and violence in society and money-laundering and other corrupt criminality throughout its political elite, which has contributed to popular authoritarianism. And it is entering acute crisis. Under far-right authoritarian populist president Jair Bolsonaro, indigenous peoples will be at risk of genocide through the government’s pursuit of […]

ARCHAEOLOGY IN: Welcome to the Archaeology Information Network

ARCHAEOLOGY IN: Welcome to the Archaeology Information Network
Almost every society that has developed over the past 4,000 years has made an attempt to preserve its history in some form or another.
Now more than ever the future of archaeological site conservation and management hinges on establishing better international cultural cooperation in support of local communities and local stewards in their work to preserve, protect, and document heritage sites in their region.
There’s a saying that culture and cultural heritage ‘shapes’ us and with that in mind, the primary goal of the Archaeology Information Network is to inspire broader public support of the value and importance of culture as more than simply a legacy of physical artefacts but as the tangible and intangible memory of a group or a society worth remembering, and worth protecting.


لقد بذل تقريباً كل مجتمع تطور خلال الأربعة آلاف عام الماضية محاولة للحفاظ على تاريخه بشكل أو بآخر.
يتوقف مستقبل المحافظة على الموقع الأثري وإدارته الآن أكثر من أي وقت مضى على إقامة تعاون ثقافي دولي أفضل لدعم المجتمعات المحلية والسكان المحليين في عملهم للحفاظ على المواقع التراثية وحمايتها وتوثيقها في منطقتهم.
آخذ ين بعين الاعتبار القول المأثور بأن الثقافة والتراث الثقافي “يقومان بتشكيلنا”، فإن الهدف الأساسي لشبكة المعلومات الآثرية هو إلهام أعرض دعم عام لقيمة وأهمية الثقافة على أنها أكثر من مجرد تراث من القطع الأثرية المادية ولكنها تمثل الذاكرة الملموسة وغير الملموسة لمجموعة أو مجتمع يستحق التذكر، ويستحق حماية.

Ancient fishing baskets found off Monmouthshire coast

Fishing baskets buried for hundreds of years under silt and clay have been found by two brothers...

'Ripped' Woman with Massive Forearms Is the Oldest Known Human Burial in Lower Central America

Archaeologists have uncovered the oldest known human burial in lower Central America: the skeletal...
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