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Faust, Judah in the Neo-Babylonian Period

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Liberal Arts at Starfleet Academy

Lately there has been an incredible amount of discussion about the liberal arts, liberal education, small majors, the humanities, and countless other aspects of education. I kept noting links to articles that I thought were worth sharing, but it took being reminded of the clip below from Star Trek: The Next Generation to prompt me […]

Amos' earthquake(s?)

<img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/blogspot/ABNx/~4/G773e_SFVjs" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Pre-Aztec 'Flayed god' temple uncovered in Mexico

Archaeologists in Mexico say they have made an important discovery, uncovering a temple to Xipe...

Friday Varia and Quick Hits


It’s almost the start of the spring semester here in North Dakotaland and we’ve been greeted with spring time temperatures that have soared into mid-30 and might just kiss the big 4-0. Even as I revel in the warmth of an early summer, I can’t help but feel a little jealous of my colleagues in San Diego who are enjoying the balmy weather and collegial comradery of the annual Archaeological Institute of America meeting.

I suspect my friends and colleagues at the AIAs will be plenty busy with convivial pursuits, but for those of you enjoying the onset of spring elsewhere, here are some quick hits and varia:

IMG 3521

Scholars in Press: An interview with Josh Westbury

Scholars in Press: An interview with Josh Westbury

Archaeological Values of the PAS Database VIII: Archaeological Finds Flogged off Abroad by British(?) Artefact Hunter


Thomas Kamphuis has a blog 'Travelling North' about his collection of 'Viking Age' artefacts. One of the texts concerns a 'Goad element of a parade prick spur ? found in England from the Viking Age of possible Slavic origin'.
In the beginning.. There was - and still is an utmost intriguing object from copper-alloy, about 60 mm long, 40 mm high and 20 mm wide.. rare, as it is from three-dimensional nature. Depicting a helmeted man with a horn on a horse-like animal, riding it. Having been found in 2005 or 2006 in England in the East Midlands, Leicestershire in Charnwood - the PAS record [LEIC-EEF651 by Wendy Scott] isn't conclusive on this, it immediately was a remarkable, important find, which nevertheless was 'returned to the finder' - to my luck, because of why it got on the market. The record addressed being it the goad of a prick spur, stylistically to the Viking Age and perhaps the 11th century.
I'd like to know how it was verified that the object was found where the finder - and later seller - said it was. So, what's this about artefact hunters doing it for the love of history and not for the money they can make by selling their finds? 

But this is interesting:
Wendy Scott 31 gru 2018Więcej
In responce to 'travelling norths' article I'd just like to point out that I tried to acquire this 'important artefact' for our museum service. But as it was illegally detected I was unable to do so and he has now, in effect, purchased 'stolen goods'.
In what way was it "illegally detected"? So the FLO handled stolen goods also to make that record. Why is that fact not mentioned in the database records, since the PAS record serves to ąlegimateą objects like this when they come onto the market? More to the point,how many other database records are the result of PAS archaeologists handling illegally obtained material and that not being mentioned in the database records?

More Fluffy Surveys on 'Citizen Archaeology'


Francesca Benetti ('Studies Public Archaeology, Medieval Archaeology, and Heritage Management' at Padua) asks people to fill in her and Bangor's Katarzyna Moeller's survey titled "Public Participation in Archaeology: The British Archaeologists’ Perspective". It is part of a PhD project that will look at 'public participation' in the UK, Italy and Germany. I took a look. As expected - because reading between the lines it seems to be based around some kind of 'UK model' - there we have Collection-Driven Exploitation (called by them 'metal detecting') of the archaeological record as a form of 'public participation in archaeology'. This is the sad legacy of the PAS 'outreach' that just muddles minds and won't go away.

Surely we need a firmer idea what the author(s) has/have in mind using the noun 'participation' and just what the concept of  'archaeology' is that is being referred to. The unexplained mention of the vague term 'metal detecting' suggests to me the authors have neither. What is this 'metal detecting'? The tool can be used for many things, to find gold in Alaska, meteorites, pipes on building sites and guns in terrorist's pockets at airports. And Treasure hunting. If these authors mean do archaeologists use metal detector owners to take part in surface survey, then that should be clear (and what about drone owners?). I suspect though they have in mind what Bonkers Bloomsbury calls 'citizen archaeology' which the rest of us call looting (Collection-Driven Exploitation of the archaeological record). When I commented, Ms Benetti answered, 'Thank you for your comments. Our survey (mine and @_KMoeller_'s) aims to identify what is perceived as public participation. Therefore, we have included a broad range of possible answers'. That does not help much. So if they have 'metal detecting' why not 'driving over earthworks with 4x4s'? Or 'painting earthworks/standing stones' (or writing poetry about them), or worshipping at ancient mystical sites, following leylines and dowsing? Amateurs I have known have done important aerial photographic work. The range could be widened well beyond the stereotypical options Benetti and Moeller chose [thus actually narrowing the options]. Collection-driven exploitation of the archaeological record is not participating in archaeology, it is destroying the arch record for selfish gain. As they intend to do a comparative survey, I wonder whether they'll be asking the Italian archaeologists to what extent they use tombaroli in their work, and the German ones, their raub-grabungers (depending of course which 'Land' they are in). Because if they do not, then the survey results are not comparable.

UPDATE 4th Jan 2019
Just now, Ms Benetti wrote:
W odpowiedzi do to @PortantIssues@FLODurhamFLO i jeszcze 4 osób
We are not interested in telling what is right or wrong, as this is not the aim of our research. How about some constructive criticism and debate rather than polemics?
Perhaps a more suitable time for wider debate is before they set up a survey to collect the data they want to use, not after, because that survey already predisposes the kind of responses they will get and what information is not volunteered. In any case, I really do not see the point of a random anonymous online survey like this as a basis for academic research. 

2,000-yr-old tomb sculptures discovered in east China

Chinese archaeologists have discovered more than 40 painted pottery items at a tomb dating back...

Pottery Figurines Discovered in Han Dynasty Tomb


SHANDONG PROVINCE, CHINA—China.org reports that one of 15 tombs dating back 2,000 years and discovered in eastern China’s city of Qingdao has yielded more than 40 painted pieces of pottery, including figurines depicting horses and people. “The figurines of attendants, chariots, and horses indicate that the tomb owner may have been an official in the ancient state in Shandong during the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.–A.D. 220),” said Lin Yuhai of the Qingdao Institute of Cultural Relics, Preservation, and Archaeology. He explained that the horse statues were all positioned facing the southeast, toward the ancient capital of Jimo. To read about another recent discovery in China, go to “Underground Party.”

Bony Ear Growths Found in Skeletons From Panama


Panama ear growthWASHINGTON, D.C.—Smithsonian Magazinereports that Nicole Smith-Guzmán of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and her colleagues examined 125 skulls from nine pre-Columbian burial sites in Panama, and found bony growths in the ear canals of seven men and one woman. Three of the men with the growths were buried together. The growths, known as external auditory exostoses, or surfers’ ear, are thought to form as a reaction to long exposure to cold wind and water. And although Panama is a tropical country, water temperatures in the Gulf of Panama drop between January and April, when trade winds from the north blow warm surface water out into the Pacific Ocean, and colder water rises to the surface. Smith-Guzmán suggested the growths could indicate that early Panamanians spent a lot of time in deep waters to retrieve thorny oysters, giant conch, and pearl oysters, rather than the occurrence of fungal or bacterial infections, since the condition appeared mostly in males. If the growths had been caused by illness, they would have appeared in both men and women at about the same rate, she reasoned. Further research will compare ancient and modern examples of surfers’ ear across the region, Smith-Guzmán added. For more, go to “Pirates of the Original Panama Canal.”

Open Access Monograph Series: Edizioni dell’Istituto Papirologico «G. Vitelli»

Edizioni dell’Istituto Papirologico «G. Vitelli»
La collana si propone di accogliere l’edizione di testi su papiro dell’antichità greca, romana e bizantina, nonché volumi di studi e approfondimenti su tematiche particolari nel vasto campo della papirologia letteraria e documentaria. Le Edizioni dell’Istituto Papirologico «G. Vitelli» intendono proseguire una più che secolare tradizione, iniziata dalla Società Italiana per la ricerca dei papiri greci e latini in Egitto (1908-1927) e proseguita poi dall’Istituto Papirologico «G. Vitelli». L’Istituto, costituito in seno all’Università di Firenze nel 1928, presenta dal 1939 nella sua denominazione ufficiale il nome di Girolamo Vitelli suo primo direttore e iniziatore degli studi papirologici in Italia.

Open Access Monograph Series: Studia Asiana

Studia Asiana
La collana è dedicata a studi specialistici di archeologia, filologia, epigrafia, linguistica e storia dell’Anatolia Antica e dell’area siri-levantina. Particolare attenzione è dedicata alle ricerche connesse con il progetto archeologico dell’Università di Firenze in Anatolia centrale. Studia Asiana è una collana di studi di ambito anatolico e vicinorientale in cui trovano posto le ricerche inedite di archeologia, filologia e storia inerenti un periodo cronologico che va dalla protostoria alla fine del primo millennio a.C. e un’area geografica il cui nucleo principale è costituito dalle regioni dell’Anatolia, del Levante e della Siria. La collana ospita studi approfonditi su temi connessi con le civiltà anatoliche e siro-levantine, di ittitologia, relazioni preliminari di campagne di scavo in corso, pubblicazione di materiali legati al lavoro sul campo.

SIAC Newsletter 170 (1/2019)


Les noms des membres de la SIAC sont en gras. – I nomi dei membri della SIAC sono in grassetto. – Names of SIAC members are written with bold characters.



  • Serena Cammoranesi – Associate – Manchester – United Kingdom



  • Adiego, Ignasi X. & Alejandra de Riquer, Algunes observacions sobre la imprevisible actualitat del “Commentariolum petitionis” de Quint Tul·li Ciceró, “Anuari de Filologia. Antiqua et Mediaeualia”, 8, 2018, 22-33. LINK
  • Atkins, Jed W., Non-domination and the libera res publica in Cicero’s Republicanism, “History of European Ideas”, 44, 6, 2018, 756-773. LINK
  • Benz, Lore & Jochen Sauer, Rhetorik – Politik – Propaganda. Cicero und die Macht des Wortes, Speyer, Kartoffeldruck-Verlag, 2017. LINK
  • Berti, Sara, Un altro testimone del volgarizzamento quattrocentesco della Pro Marcello di Cicerone: il ms. Vat. Ottob. lat. 3316, “Lettere italiane”, 68, 2, 2016, 335-358. LINK
  • Bizer, Marc, Whose Mistake? The Errors of Friendship in Cicero, La Boétie and Montaigne, in Basil Dufallo (ed.), Roman Error: Classical Reception and the Problem of Rome’s Flaws, Oxford & New York, Oxford University Press, 2018, 37-52. LINK
  • Bray, Nadia, La tradizione filosofica stoica nel Medioevo, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2018. LINK
  • Breuer, Johannes, Rez. zu Lothar Willms, Lateinische Stilübungen: Ein Arbeitsbuch mit Texten aus Cäsar und Cicero, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017, “Forum Classicum”, 61, 2, 2018, 132-136. LINK
  • Cairo, María Emilia, El debate en torno a libertas a fines de la República. Una lectura de De domo sua de Cicerón, “Phoînix”, 24, 2, 2018, 75-89. LINK
  • Camplani, Alberto, Sulla multifunzionalità del tradurre in copto: note sparse su frammenti copti tardoantichi, Cicerone e moderne ipotesi di ricerca, in Franco Crevatin (a cura di), Egitto crocevia di traduzioni, Trieste, Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018, 101-144. LINK
  • Castagnoli, Luca, Dialectic in the Hellenistic Academy, in Thomas Bénatouïl & Katerina Ierodiakonou (eds.), Dialectic after Plato and Aristotle, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2018, 168-217. LINK
  • Cavallero, Fabio Giorgio, Ius publicum dedicandi (e consecrandi): il diritto di dedica a Roma, “Mélanges de l’Ecole française de Rome. Antiquité”, 130, 1, 2018, 219-249. LINK
  • Craig, Christopher P., Divine and human in Cicero’s De provinciis consularibus, in Anne H. Groton (ed.), Ab omni parte beatus: Classical Essays in Honor of James M. May, Mundelein (IL), Bolchazy-Carducci, 2017. LINK
  • Crawford, Jane W., Cicero’s correspondence with Caesar: two sides of the story, in Anne H. Groton (ed.), Ab omni parte beatus: Classical Essays in Honor of James M. May, Mundelein (IL), Bolchazy-Carducci, 2017. LINK
  • Davie, John, Cicero the Professional Advocate, “Ad Familiares”, 01/08/2018. LINK
  • de Jonge, Casper C., Demosthenes versus Cicero: Intercultural Competition in Ancient Literary Criticism, in Cynthia Damon & Christoph Pieper (eds.), Eris vs. Aemulatio. Valuing Competition in Classical Antiquity, Leiden, Brill, 2018, 300–323. LINK
  • Del Rey Quesada, Santiago, El “De Senectute” de Cicerón en romance (ss. XIV-XVI). Un estudio sintáctico contrastivo, “Anuari de Filologia. Estudis de Lingüística”, 8, 2018, 21-56. LINK
  • De Paolis, Paolo, Le conseguenze dell’errore, “Rationes Rerum”, 10, 2017, 87-114. LINK
  • Dighton, Aerynn, Mutatio Vestis: Clothing and Political Protest in the Late Roman Republic, “Phoenix”, 71, 3-4, 345-369. LINK
  • DiLuzio, Joseph, The first triumvirate at home and abroad in Cicero’s Pro Flacco, “Greece & Rome”, 65, 2, 2018, 175-188. LINK


  • Call for Papers Assessing Cicero’s (in)constantia through the Ages, Leiden, 21-22 June 2019. From the organisers:

    We invite proposals (for papers of 30 minutes) for a two-day workshop at Leiden University (The Netherlands) on the theme “Assessing Cicero’s (in)constantia through the Ages”. The workshop will be dedicated to the question how later authors reacted to the theme of philosophical, political and oratorical consistency, which was so prominent within Cicero’s oeuvre and his own life. To give just one example per category: (a) philosophy: in De officiis 1.125, Cicero affirms that nothing is more fitting than preserving consistency in every action and plan; (b) politics: long parts of the Pro Sulla are dedicated to Cicero’s self-defence from the charge of not showing political consistency compared to his behaviour as consul; (c) (forensic) oratory: in the Pro Cluentio, Cicero has to explain why his stance is completely opposite to his views during a previous court case involving Cluentius. Cicero’s (in)constantia has consistently triggered readers in antiquity and beyond. In antiquity, one can think of Velleius Paterculus’ praise that Cicero acted with exceptional constantia in handling the Catilinarian conspiracy and contrast this to the critical remark by Iunius Bassus in Seneca’s Controversiae that Cicero lacked constantia. Famous is Petrarch’s disappointment about the inconsistency between Cicero’s public and private behaviour after having rediscovered his Letters to Atticus or Theodor Mommsen’s biting characterisation of Cicero as a person without any moral compass and without any consistent behaviour. During the workshop, we would like to examine why the theme continued to interest readers through the ages. We are especially interested in the underlying moral expectations and evaluations with regard to Cicero’s (in)constantia. We especially welcome proposals that investigate the interrelatedness of two or even all three fields mentioned above: philosophy, rhetoric and politics. Keynote speaker: Matthew Roller (Johns Hopkins University). The workshop will take place in Leiden on Friday 21 and Saturday 22 June, 2019. Hotel costs of the participants will be covered (for two nights), but travel costs will be at personal expense. The workshop is organised as part of the Leiden research project “Mediated Cicero”, funded by the ‘Netherlands Organisations for Scientific Research’ (NWO), principle investigator Christoph Pieper. If you are interested in participating, please send your proposal of max. 300 words by February 10, 2019 to Christoph Pieper (c.pieper@hum.leidenuniv.nl). For further information, please also contact the organiser.

  • Call for Papers ΠΗΓΗ / FONS: Axiological confusion and its causes.

    The online peer-reviewed academic journal Pegé/Fons (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid – Instituto de Estudios Clásicos “Lucio Anneo Séneca”) invites scholars and researchers to submit manuscripts for the forthcoming issue (V – 2020). Pegé/Fons encourages for its next issue contributions about: “Axiological confusion and its causes” (editors: Ermanno Malaspina and Jula Wildberger). How can we know anything? While this question drives our Skeptic sources’ engagement with Hellenistic ‘dogmatic’ epistemology, for the Epicureans and Stoics themselves, who regarded all relevant knowledge as evident by nature, there was another conundrum waiting to be solved: How did we get confused in the first place? Both Epicureans and Stoics posit innate or naturally acquired and uniform true preconceptions and a cognitive mechanism by which occurrent facts can be known with evident certainty, in particular facts concerning the well-being of a human agent. Although instructed with unfailing sensors for what is good for them and what not, almost all humans undergo a cognitive development at the end of which they are no longer capable of discerning apparent from actual values reliably. Against these positions, and parallel to them, the skeptics, and then, separately, the academic tradition, placed instead at the center of their gnoseological setting precisely the difficulty, if not the impossibility, of attaining a faithful understanding of the world: therefore, they took a very critical look at the aforementioned dogmatic tenets, placing the essence of wisdom rather in the methodical doubt and in the suspension of judgment. Moreover, one can find all these different positions and the related controversies not only as they are in the texts of the philosophers, but also, in a much more faded way, in the so called ‘popular morality’ we find in other literary genres. In addition to the papers listed below, we would like to invite contributions that explore such theories and their reception from the perspective of different disciplines and with a range of methodologies. How exactly did different schools conceive axiological confusion, that state in which agents are no longer able to discern what is good and bad for them? How did they explain this cognitive impairment? Is this epistemological theory consistent with their overall world view? Was there disagreement within the school? What can we learn from literary representations of the phenomenon or, e.g., the implicit use of Epicurean or Stoic or ‘skeptical’ theories in the creation of a literary character? We also welcome close readings and philological elucidation of single source texts or studies of the lexicon and imagery of axiological confusion. Papers by scholars at the beginning of their career are very welcome. The double blind peer review, the open access journal systems and the electronic journal platform of the Carlos III University of Madrid (https://e-revistas.uc3m.es/) guarantee Pegé/Fons an extraordinary visibility and worldwide presence in important databases of scholarly research.

    • Please send a 200 words abstract with a title to ermanno.malaspina@unito.it and to jwildberger@aup.edu by February 10th, 2019.
    • Acceptance will be confirmed by February 28, 2019.
    • The deadline for final papers submissions is September 30, 2019.

    Confirmed contributors: Catalina Balmaceda (PUC Chile), The Year of the Four Emperors: Axiological Confusion in Tacitus’ Civil Wars; Francesca Romana Berno (La Sapienza Rome), Getting Nowhere – Confusion as Wandering in Seneca; Marcelo Diego Boeri (PUC Chile), Chrysippus and Galen on the origin of evil; René Brouwer (Utrecht), Diastrophe in the early Stoa: causes, consequences and remedies; Giuseppe Cambiano (SNS Pisa), Errori di valutazione in Polibio; David Konstan (Brown), The Epicurean notion of phantasia; Giuliana Repici (Turin), Errori di valutazione nell’etica epicurea; Emidio Spinelli (La Sapienza Rome), Lineamenti di etica scettica anti-dogmatica; Giovanni Zago (Florence), Virtù e corruzione morale nel pensiero di Posidonio. Per un riesame dei frammenti e delle testimonianze.

  • Society for Classical Studies. 2019 Annual Meeting, San Diego, 3-6 January 2019. James Uden (Boston University), Ventriloquizing the Classics: Cicero and Early American Gothic; Jackie Elliott (University of Colorado Boulder), Cicero, Brutus 63-9 and the History of Cato’s Origines; Christopher van den Berg (Amherst College), Statuary Analogies and Cicero’s Judgment of Caesar’s Style (Brutus 262); Cynthia Bannon (Indiana University), Legal Humor and Republican Political Culture (Cic. De Orat. 2.284); Caitlin Marley (University of Iowa), Analyzing Ciceronian Networks with Gephi; Matthew Gorey (Washington University), The Politics of Atomism in Cicero; Marsha McCoy (Southern Methodist University), Roman Republicanism, Memory, and Identity: Cicero’s De Re Publica; Peter Osorio (Cornell University), Academic Ends of Interpretation: Plato the Sceptic in Cic. Luc. 74; Matthew Watton (University of Toronto), Socrates and Plato’s Socrates in Cicero’s Academica; Ashley Simone (Columbia University), Duels, Dualities, and Double Suns: Natural Philosophy and Politics in Cicero’s De Re Publica. LINK
  • Journée d’études Philosophie et rhétorique dans l’Antiquité: Le De republica de Cicéron (deuxième année), Villeneuve d’Ascq, 27 février 2019. Jean-Baptiste Guillaumin (Sorbonne Univ.), Deux lectures tardo-antiques du Songe de Scipion: Favonius Eulogius et Macrobe. LIEN



  • Alesse, Francesca, La rappresentazione catalettica nella Stoa post-crisippea, “Lexicon Philosophicum”, Special Issue, 2018, 145-167. LINK
  • Berno, Francesca Romana, Il tredicesimo libro dei Dialoghi di Seneca: le lettere 58-66. Con un’analisi del modello platonico sotteso alla lettera 58, “Pan”, 7, 2018, 59-78. LINK
  • Cattaneo, Gianmario, In margine a una recente edizione degli opuscoli di Giuliano Imperatore, “Medioevo Greco”, 18, 2018, 285-297. LINK
  • Torre, Chiara, Le ‘altre’ consolationes di Seneca: le epistole 63, 93, 99, “Pan”, 7, 2018, 79-93. LINK

[Last updated on January 4th, 2019.]

Forthcoming Open Access Journal: Asia Anteriore Antice: Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Cultures (AsiAna)

Astonishingly Bonkers from Glasgow


Public engagement with archaeology in northern Israel
Glasgow archaeologist Alison Douglas:
"[Collection-Driven Exploitation of the Archaeological Record] as a means of public engagement has had an incredibly positive effect".
Wow. There are however many that would say the overall effects of both the artefact hunting and the object-centric public outreach to the artefact hunters are fundamentally negative.

Public engagement, Ms Douglas
In response to me saying that, Dr Douglas calls upon authority "Really? I bet @DrTashaFerguson would beg to differ." Very probably, but Dr Ferguson (one of the Ixelles Six) is not very good at arguing her stated position. Well over two years ago when I (once) challenged one of her glib statements on the issue of the 'benefits' of artefact hunting she immediately blocked me on social media and blocked my emails. So she seems rather sensitive about avoiding proper debate, at least with me - perhaps is is in some way 'beneath her'. Certainly, none of the Ixelles Six/Helsinki Gang has expanded on the issues raised about their attempted demolition job of Hardy's research on precisely those negative effects of policies of appeasement on artefact hunting as "public engagement".

Dr Douglas says that in suggesting that a fluffy survey needs a closer definition of what they mean by 'participation in archaeology' when they introduce the idea of 'metal detecting' as one of its forms (which is what this came from), that this is 'irrelevant': "By irrelevant, I mean, you are clearly of the theoretical positioning that metal detecting = BAD. Not all of us look at metal detecting this way". That they do not in no way makes me wrong. This is interesting coming from Glasgow where just a few blocks away from the School of Humanities we have the Trafficking Culture research consortium that takes a more nuanced view of Collection-Driven Exploitation of the archaeological record . When I ask her whether she'd see all forms of Collection-Driven Exploitation of the archaeological record as 'participation in archaeology' (giving the examples of the Ortiz collection and Ali and Hicham Aboutaam) she says 'parallels' are 'extreme in the least', but that they are participation and that 'metal detecting' has an 'incredibly positive effect' . My response was
They are not "parallels" they are part of the same phenomenon. You cannot hedge off one little insular part of a wider phenomenon and say these (our) guys are OK [having a positive effect], the rest are damaging the record. Can you?
Her response was pretty odd:
Well yes I can. Legislation is not perfect I agree, but exists nevertheless. This legislation is there to protect liberal freedoms whilst protecting the archaeological record. Who do you think owns the archaeological heritage of this country? A private collector perhaps?
But thousands, probably now tens of thousands are pocketing (without any record or mitigation of information loss), random bits of the British archaeological heritage as if it did, to them personally, six million bits of it if some estimates are not mistaken. I do not see how anyone reflecting upon the situation could represent that as in any way 'an incredibly positive effect'. I really do not. She sees artefact hunting as an 'us' and 'them' situation. The white guys in Britain are exercising their liberal freedoms to 'participate in archaeology in an incredible positive way', while the grubby foreign subsistence diggers (with metal detectors) have no such higher aims, they merely 'need to feed families etc... Furthermore  in the UK system (or does she men Scotland only?) 'legislation is there to protect liberal freedoms whilst protecting the archaeological record'. Quite obviously in neither England/wales or Scotland do the laws that exist actually protect the archaeological record from Collection-Driven Exploitation of the archaeological record, nor information loss that accrues if the 'liberal hoiker at liberty' who's pocketing stuff refuses to participate enough to even communicate that fact to anyone. That goes for Scotland too where what the TTU sees annually is a derisory fraction of what artefact hunters with detectors are in fact probably finding and pocketing (again see Hardy for some pointers - as yet unfalsified by the Izxelles Six or anyone else).

 Dr Douglas, it seems, has a bit of a 'history of picking fights on social media. 

Archaeology in Turkey - 2018 in review


2018 was a busy year for archaeologists working in the area of Turkey. Almost 350 archaeological excavations and around 50 rescue missions were carried out, with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism that provided 26 mln liras. Below you will find an overview of the most important discoveries in the country.

December 2018 in Turkish archaeology


The biggest archaeological news of December 2018 was the return of the stolen fragments of the famous "Gypsy Girl" mosaic from Zeugma. The missing pieces were brought back from the USA. On the more depressing tone, the columns of ancient Perge still seek sponsorship, vandals damaged the monuments of the Phrygian Valley, and a Roman-era mosaic has been sitting under a dumpster since its discovery two years ago in Iznik, the ancient Nicaea.

L. Albiero et I. Draelants (dir.), Sciences du quadrivium au Mont-Cassin : regards croisés sur ...



Laura Albiero et Isabelle Draelants (dir.), Sciences du quadrivium au Mont-Cassin : regards croisés sur le manuscrit 318, Turnhout, 2018.

Éditeur : Brepols
Collection : Bibliologia, 51
494 pages
ISBN : 978-2-503-57828-6
95 €

Le célèbre codex 318 de l'Archivio dell'Abbazia du Mont-Cassin est un recueil de traités musicaux copiés d'une main bénéventaine dans le troisième quart du XIe siècle.
Le volume rassemble des études sur tous les aspects du manuscrit, ainsi que des éditions critiques de parties du texte (les deux tonaires, les gloses, les citations de Martianus Capella et Isidore de Séville, une mappemonde et le texte qui l'accompagne, un chapitre du "Liber Nemroth" sur les eaux et les abysses, etc). Une attention particulière est portée à l'organisation matérielle du codex et au "projet éditorial", aux arguments en faveur d'une attribution cassinienne, au compilateur, à l'auteur et au scribe, à l'origine et aux sources des textes rassemblés, à la portée chronologique des contenus, aux doctrines qu'ils véhiculent et à la caractérisation du contexte culturel et intellectuel de la production du codex. L'attention est mise également sur sa place dans la tradition textuelle, en examinant l'histoire des collections de livres dans lesquelles il est inclus (M. Dell'Omo), ses caractéristiques matérielles (L. Albiero) et les gloses lexicographiques qui couvrent son texte (A. Grondeux). Son rôle dans l'histoire du Quadrivium est bien illustré par l'examen des chapitres cosmologiques (I. Draelants) et des extraits de Martianus Capella, Cassiodore et Isidore de Séville (J. B. Guillaumin). Les traités de théorie musicale, y compris les œuvres de Guido d'Arezzo (A. Rusconi), sont caractérisés par rapport à la production régionale italienne et européenne (C. Meyer). Les pièces distinctives contenues dans les deux tonaires, comme les chants de la messe (A. Planchart, L. Nardini) et les incipits des hymnes (B. Vergine) font l'objet de contributions spéciales, tout comme l'étude de la notation neumatique (M. Peattie).


Source : Brepols

Collection-Driven Exploitation of the European Archaeological Record in Reality, not Ideology


The same the world over. Italian 'metal detectorists' having (allegedly) "an incredibly positive effect " as "a means of public engagement with archaeology" as a Glasgow researcher insists and showing the archaeological effects on our knowledge of the archaeology of the area around a rock shelter by deeply digging random ragged holes into the shallow soil (and no doubt plotting them and writing them up properly). I'm going to assume that these guys are in the parts of the mountains where no permit is required,  (see here for a brief summary) or they have a permit. It's not the legality that is at issue here, its what they are doing to the archaeological record - the one that extends outside their holes where they've extracted random diagnostic objects and pocketed them. Would putting a PAS up there in the mountains in any way prevent such damage occurring?

I would like to invite Alison Douglas and Francesca Benetti to the comments section below. How can they (or anyone else) say this sort of thing, carried out by tens of thousands of people anywhere where they can get onto an archaeological site that will be 'productive' of collectables, is any kind of "participation' in archaeology", let alone ascribe to it "an incredibly positive effect". It is an exploitative acquisitive activity that mines the archaeological resource for selfish and extempore ends, producing little but loose decontextualised objects and damaging it as a source of information about the past. This is now happening on a huge scale. Archaeologists encouraging that I think, really do have some explaining to do. Can they? We will see. ‏

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