The message below was sent to all APA members for whom we have a valid e-mail address on January 20, 2012.
Dear Colleague:
Our joint annual meeting just completed in Philadelphia attracted over 3,000 registrants—one of our largest meetings ever. Daniel Mendelsohn got us off to a wonderful start by movingly reminding us why we devote our lives to the study of classical antiquity. Kathleen Coleman’s Presidential Panel entitled “Images for Classicists” showed us new ways to carry out our work, and new initiatives from the Program Committee improved both the presentations at sessions and the discussions they stimulated. And to judge from the number of institutions conducting interviews through the Placement Service, even the job market (knock on wood) was improved over the last two years. All these efforts produced an energy that carried over to the book display, the CAMP performance, and, of course, the receptions. I look forward to working with you to maintain that energy during my Presidency.
In his report on our Gateway Campaign, David Porter spoke of the many gateways that the APA opens for all of us—and asked members to help lead the campaign through ITS last gateway. Of the $2,600,000 required to meet the NEH match, a remarkable $2,200,000 has already been raised—leaving only $400,000 to go. If, however, we do not raise that amount in the next six months, by July 31, 2012, we will be obliged to return to NEH some of the funds they have already advanced to us--something we would really rather not do! *An average gift of just $65 from every APA member would net $188,500--and carry us almost halfway across that final threshold.*
Please help us all achieve our goal. $65 should be easy for most of us; if $65 is too much, do what you can; if you can do a bit more--e.g., $100--do that instead. But please do something! Every drop helps fill the amphora. Give online at
or print out a pledge form at
Jeffrey Henderson
President, American Philological Association
William Goodwin Aurelio Professor of Greek
Department of Classical Studies
Boston University