- 2012.01.38: Kyle Harper, Slavery in the Late Roman World, AD 275-425.
- 2012.01.37: Dino Piovan, Memoria e oblio della guerra civile: strategie giudiziarie e racconto del passato in Lisia.
- 2012.01.36: John Peter Oleson, Humayma Excavation Project, 1: Resources, History, and the Water-supply System.
- 2012.01.35: Laura Monrós Gaspar, Robert Reece, Cassandra, the Fortune-teller: Prophets, Gipsies and Victorian Burlesque. le Rane.
- 2012.01.34: Anna Magnetto, Donatella Erdas, Cristina Carusi, Nuove ricerche sulla legge granaria ateniese del 374/3 a.C.. S
- 2012.01.33: P. Mureddu, G. F. Nieddu, S. Novelli, Tragico e comico nel dramma attico e oltre: intersezioni e sviluppi parateatrali. Atti dell’Incontro di studi, Cagliari 4-5 febbraio 2009.
- 2012.01.32: Alessandra Gilibert, Syro-Hittite Monumental Art and the Archaeology of Performance. The Stone Reliefs at Carchemish and Zincirli in the Earlier First Millennium BCE. TOPOI Berlin Studies of the Ancient World vol. 2.
- 2012.01.31: Olivier Hekster, Ted Kaizer, Frontiers in the Roman World: Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Durham, 16-19 April 2009). Impact of Empire, 13.
- 2012.01.30: Hans Beck, Hans-Ulrich Wiemer, Feiern und Erinnern: Geschichtsbilder im Spiegel antiker Feste. Studien zur Alten Geschichte Bd. 12. Berlin: 2009. Pp. 240. €54.90. ISBN 9783938032343.
Reviewed by Pauline Schmitt Pantel. - 2012.01.29: R. W. Burgess, Chronicles, Consuls, and Coins: Historiography and History in the Later Roman Empire. Variorum collected studies series, CS984.
- 2012.01.28: Françoise Petit, Lucas Van Rompay, Jos J. S. Weitenberg, Eusèbe d’Émèse, Commentaire de la Genèse. Texte arménien de l’édition de Venise (1980); fragments grecs et syriaques. Traditio exegetica Graeca, 15.