... tras los traumáticos cambios acontecidos en Egipto. Sabíamos que había abandonado, de forma más o menos dirigida, toda actividad pública, pero desconocía a qué se estaba dedicando actualmente. Nos lo explica (en inglés) en su blog...
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For the last few months, I have been busy writing and working hard, as I am used to doing. I am at my private office 7 days a week working on various projects. Actually, being away from government has been god for me. I needed time to recover from all the trouble, and to give the friends of Seth, the god of chaos, some time to calm down. I have been staying very busy giving public lectures. One recent talk was at the Mena House hotel for an American group, and another one for 60 Australians was at a resort in Sahl-Hasheesh...
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