AJESI (Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences International)
ISSN 2146-4014
ISSN 2146-4014
AJESI (Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences International) is an online, international, biannual (January–July), and peer reviewed journal. AJESI aims to serve as an international platform to integrate the contributions of educational scholarship, and publishes original work pertaining to educational theory, practice and research.
Manuscripts can be written both in Turkish and English. The editors welcome original studies contributing to the improvement of instructional processes and products. Instructional perspectives and cases in different disciplines; curricula considerations; social and institutional issues in education; perspectives on educational leadership; and other instructional processes in both formal and informal settings are within the scope of the journal.
Submission of a study means that the manuscript has not been published previously, that it is not under consideration for publication in other journals, and that its submission is approved by all contributing authors.
AJESI implements a double-blind peer review process. The initial evaluation of the handling editors aims to eliminate the manuscripts that are not original, have serious problems, or are beyond the scope of the journal. Those which pass the initial evaluation are sent to at least two experts in the field. A third reviewer is resorted to when the first two are in conflict.