Haven’t had time to listen to this one from KUT, but the description is worth reading alone:
First off, we’ve got an episode of ThoughtCast for you. It’s full of smart folks talking about thoughtful things, so we think you’re gonna like it. You like thinking, right? Then you’ll like ThoughtCast, trust us. And whose thoughts will ThoughtCast be casting at you today? How about author Tom Perrotta, poetry critic Helen Vendler and esteemed classicist Gregory Nagy? That do it for it? Of course it does. Also, on a sidenote, can we mention that we love that Gregory Nagy is listed as an “esteemed classicist,” because that opens up the possibility that some of the classicists out there aren’t so esteemed. We want to know who those poorly-regarded classicists are so we can make fun of them at parties.