Bologna University Greek and Latin Summer School (25th June – 13th July
The Department of Classics and Italian studies ( Bologna University offers, for the fifth running year, an intensive threeweek Greek and Latin Summer School.
The school offers courses in Greek and Latin language (at different levels:beginners and intermediate) and the possibility of combining two courses(Latin & Greek) at a special rate. The courses will be held in Bologna from 25th June to 13th July 2012 and are open to students (undergraduate and post graduate) and non-students alike. Participants must be aged 18 or over.
The teaching will be focused mainly on Greek and/or Latin language with
additional classes on Classical literature; further classes will touch onmoments of classical history and history of art, supplemented by visits to museums and archaeological sites (in Bologna and Rome).
All teaching and activities will be in English.
For further information and application forms please visit: