Tutorial Fellowship and Titular CUF Lecturership in Latin Literature
Closing date: Friday 24 February £42,733 to £57,431 with additional benefits
Balliol College seeks to elect a suitably qualified applicant to a Tutorial Fellowship in Latin Literature, to be held in conjunction with a Titular CUFLecturership in the Faculty of Classics of Oxford University.The appointment will begin from October 1st 2012, or as soon as possible thereafter. The Fellow will be responsible, jointly with the Fellows in Greek Literature, Ancient History and Philosophy, for the organisation of college teaching in Classics and its Joint Schools with Modern Languages and Oriental Studies; and will teach tutorials and classes in Greek and Latin literature for all undergraduate years. He/she will also be expected to carry out advanced research, and to contribute to lecturing, examining and graduate supervision for the Faculty of Classics. The post is permanent, subject to satisfactory completion of a review of the initial five-year period of office; this review is intended to be a constructive one, is non-competitive, and most postholders in Oxford complete it satisfactorily.
Benefits: the salary for the post will be £42,733 to £57,431 per annum of the University’s new pay and grading structure. Substantial housing
allowances are available for the first six years of a Fellow’s appointment; Balliol also operates a Loan Scheme to assist Fellows in the purchase of a property
Further particulars:
Further particulars may be downloaded online, or obtained from the Academic Administrator, Balliol College, Oxford, OX1 3BJ, United Kingdom (tel:
+44-(0)1865-277758; fax +44-(0)1865-277803; e-mail:
academic.administrator@balliol.ox.ac.uk), or from the Faculty website: