We, at HBU, use a common textbook across our separate OT and NT survey classes and are thinking about updating our texts. One common issue with these textbooks is their length, which often distracts from reading the biblical text itself. As a result, we are thinking about going with a one-volume textbook that covers the whole Bible. There are a few options, and I thought I’d see what others use or would recommend.
One format criterion is that it cover the text canonically and not from a chronological perspective. For instance, John Drane has a one-volume textbook, but in the OT he places the discussion of the Pentateuch in the same chapter as Ezekiel. There are pro’s and con’s to each method, but we’d prefer to treat the sections canonically especially since we have many students who have never read the Bible.
I’ve got a couple of options in mind, and I’ll plan on doing a follow-up post to compile other ideas you offer up. Thanks in advance.