Do you have an archaeological project in need of funds? Some post excavation work requiring specialists? A field survey lacking vital equipment? An excavation without tools? Or indeed almost any sort of exciting project, research, education or publication based?
Applications are being invited for the annual award of £2000 for an archaeological project of any professional nature anywhere in the world.
Andante Travels is a company owned and run by people who have trained and worked as archaeologists, and the mission of the company is to provide programmes of the highest academic integrity which are also relaxed and enjoyable holidays. Andante want everyone to discover what an exciting interest archaeology can be, whether pursued half way round the world, or in one’s own back garden.
The purpose of this award is to give something back from our own archaeologically-based business, and to heighten awareness of individual projects of very different natures.
Past Winners have been:
- Volubilis, Morocco – £2000 towards website development and signage on site
- Kerkenes Dag, Turkey – £2000 towards geophysical survey equipment
- Stonehenge Riverside Project – £2000 towards fees for a site supervisor
- Via Consolare Project in Pompeii – £2000 towards equipment for excavation
- Lamanai Maya site in jungle, Belize – £2000 towards training a local person to be a pottery conservator
- Smaller donations have been made to:
Nola site in Italy (victim of an earlier eruption of Vesuvius during the Bronze Age, with similar effects in terms of conservation problems)
Roman Glass-making project near Salisbury
- Last year’s winner was Dr Paul Nicholson of Cardiff University with his survey of the catacombs of Anubis in Egypt
Fame and fortune awaits you!
- The Andante award will be presented at Current Archaeology’s Annual Conference to be held in London on 2nd/ 3rd March 2012.
- Applicants should be happy for details of their project to be promoted on the Andante website. www.andantetravels.co.uk and by applying, give their consent to this. Andante has about 17,000 people on their database and a well-visited website, so there is the potential to give exposure to all projects. Some of their guests have given altruistic help to needy projects in the past.
Source: Andante Travels
More information:
The application process is simple. Write your proposal on a single side of A4 paper giving an outline of the project, and what the funds might be used for and email it to Alex Casey at alex@andantetravels.co.uk