(Helen Bond) We’re very pleased to announce the release of Jesus among Friends and Enemies: A Historical and Literary Introduction to Jesus in the Gospels, edited by Larry W. Hurtado and Chris Keith (former PhD student at Edinburgh and contributer to this blog). The three Youtube clips below overview JFE’s main contributions and how it can be used in Jesus courses:
![Jesus among Friends and Enemies]()
1. Introduction and Use in the Classroom (3:09)
2. Structure and Unity of JFE (2:54)
3. The Final Chapter (3:04)
This is the table of contents, which includes contributions from several people connected with CSCO:
Introduction: Jesus outside and inside the New Testament Chris Keith
Part 1: The Friends of Jesus
1. God and Angels Edith M. Humphrey
2. John the Baptist Michael F. Bird
3. The Disciples Warren Carter
4. The Family of Jesus Richard J. Bauckham
5. Other Friends of Jesus: Mary Magdalene, the Bethany Family, and the Beloved Disciple Dieter T. Roth
6. Secret Disciples: Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea David M. Allen
Part 2: The Enemies of Jesus
7. Satan and Demons Loren T. Stuckenbruck
8. The Jewish Leaders Anthony Le Donne
9. Political Authorities: The Herods, Caiaphas, and Pontius Pilate Helen K. Bond
10. Judas Iscariot: The Betrayer of Jesus Holly J. Carey
Conclusion: Seeking the Historical Jesus among Friends and Enemies Chris Keith with Larry W. Hurtado
And this is what Scot McKnight had to say:
‘Time and time again in this innovative book we are taken to the Gospels themselves to see how the narratives shape our understanding of Jesus. It is the breadth of the testimony of these narratives that makes this book sparkle.‘
For more reviews and fuller details, see the publishers site at http://www.bakeracademic.com/ME2/Audiences/dirmod.asp?sid=0477683E4046471488BD7BAC8DCFB004&nm=&type=PubCom&mod=PubComProductCatalog&mid=BF1316AF9E334B7BA1C33CB61CF48A4E&tier=3&id=D297FE030BB749EF8F09DCD4B6E4B8FC&AudId=16FAA98B9B4B4CBDAB1A1A7A4DBFE04C