- 2012.02.12: Julia L. Shear, Polis and Revolution: Responding to Oligarchy in Classical Athens.
- 2012.02.11: Andreas Kakoschke, Die Personennamen im römischen Britannien. Alpha-Omega, Reihe A, Bd 259.
- 2012.02.10: Ramsay MacMullen, The Earliest Romans: a Character Sketch.
- 2012.02.09: Katharina Volk, Ovid. Blackwell introductions to the classical world.
- 2012.02.08: Stuart Gillespie, English Translation and Classical Reception: Towards a New Literary History. Classical receptions.
- 2012.02.07: Christopher Ratté, Lydian Architecture: Ashlar Masonry Structures at Sardis, Archaeological Exploration of Sardis, Report 5.
- 2012.02.06: Aram Topchyan, David the Invincible, Commentary on Aristotle’s Prior Analytics: Critical Old Armenian Text with an English Translation, Introduction and Notes. Philosophia antiqua, 122.
- 2012.02.05: Andrew Wolpert, Konstantinos Kapparis, Legal Speeches of Democratic Athens: Sources for Athenian History.
Michael Gagarin, Speeches from Athenian Law. The oratory of classical Greece 16 - 2012.02.04: Achim Lichtenberger, Severus Pius Augustus: Studien zur sakralen Repräsentation und Rezeption der Herrschaft des Septimius Severus und seiner Familie (193-211 n. chr.).