Here are the results of my first analysis of the new Metspalu et al. (2011) data (populations with _M endings), together with a large number of other samples from various sources, including Chaubey et al. (2011) (_Ch endings), that I had not used before.
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Spreadsheet of population averages; no outliers removed in source datasets. I'll defer all the technical and other details for when I release Dodecad v4, which will (most likely) be based on the same dataset.
Fst divergences:
MDS plot of first two dimensions based on above table.
You can use DIYDodecad 2.1 with the 'K12a' calculator, which incorporates the K=12 inferred clusters of the above analysis.
Instructions: uncompress the contents of the K12a bundle to your working directory, and follow the instructions of the DIYDodecad 2.1 README file, substituting 'K12a' for 'dv3' in all those instructions. Terms of use: 'K12a', including all files in the downloaded RAR file is free for non-commercial personal use. Commercial uses are forbidden. Contact me for non-personal uses of the calculator.