[First posted in AWOL 2 November 2009. Updated 8 February 2012]
CSA Newsletter
CSA Newsletter
The CSA Newsletter is a Web-based publication produced three times per year — April (formerly called the Spring issue), September (formerly called the Fall issue), and January (formerly called the Winter issue). Prior to Volume X (1997-8) there were four issues per year: May, August, November, and February. An Internet distribution list is maintained for those who wish to be notified when CSA Newsletter issues are posted.
To subscribe, visit this web page. You will then receive announcements when newsletter articles are posted. There will be no messages to the list other then those concerning the CSA Newsletter.
The CSA Newsletter provides up-to-date information on the use of computers and digital technologies in the practice of archaeology and architectural history. Articles are intended to assist scholars in their attempts to use computers to generate digital information and in disseminating that digital information. CSA Newsletter articles should also be of interest to graduate students and others who want to know more about the development of information technology in these disciplines.
Unrequested submissions of articles or porposals for articles are welcome. Authors will be contacted regarding such submissions as quickly as possible. Submissions are preferred in the form of simple text in an email message but may also be in the form of documents attached to email messages (RTF format only, DOC format attachments will not be opened because of virus potential). Paper manuscripts will not be accepted or returned.
Newsletter articles written by the CSA staff are reviewed internally. Web site reviews written by authors not on the CSA staff are reviewed by the staff and, when required by the subject matter, outside experts. (CSA Director Harrison Eiteljorg, II, should be assumed to have authored articles that lack an explicit indication of the author; however, Susan C. Jones's input was often critical to such unsigned articles during her tenure at CSA from 1995 until 2009.)
There is no printed version of the CSA Newsletter as of the beginning of Volume 13 (Spring, 2000 issue). The Web versions of previous issues of the CSA Newsletter were compiled from printed issues. All articles from the printed issues from Feb., 1995 (Vol. 7 no. 4) through Feb. 1996 (Vol. 8 no. 4) were made available in Feb. of 1996 in HTML form, and all issues thereafter were posted on the Web as they were produced. Selected articles from the of Aug., 1994, issue (Vol. 7 no. 2) and the Nov., 1994, issue (Vol. 7 no. 3) were also made available in Feb. of 1996 in HTML form; two further articles from the Aug., 1990, issue (Vol. 3 no. 2) were put on the Web as HTML documents during Nov., 1999. In 2006 all issues that had not been fully posted in HTML format were scanned, and the resulting images have been placed on the web so that all articles of all issues are now available on the web. Readers should note, however, that the articles that have only been scanned for presentation cannot be searched for specified text.
Only those articles that are available on the Web in HTML form are listed in the topical indices. Each issue will have a posting date indicated.
Feel free to print any of the CSA Newsletter articles, bearing in mind that the articles are copyrighted.
Issues on Line as of January, 2012
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