Jane Hickman, Editor of Expedition magazine and Maureen Goldsmith, from the Director’s Office at the Penn Museum, recently sent a stack of past issues of Expedition magazine to Staten Island Project Homefront. The magazines are being sent to troops stationed abroad, including Afghanistan.

Jane Hickman (left) and Maureen Goldsmith (right) get ready to send a stack of Expedition magazines to Staten Island project Homefront.
Staten Island Project Homefront is a non-profit organization that supports the families of deployed military troops from all branches of service, enlisted or officer. The project sends care packages to our military in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait. We hope they enjoy reading about some of our excavations at Ur, modern-day Iraq, as well as articles about the Museum’s collaboration with the State Department to coordinate cultural heritage preservation in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Read the latest issue: Expedition Volume 53, Number 2 Summer 2011