I don’t write a lot aboutthe Roman Empire, probably because there is so much to dislike about it. Unevengovernance, perpetual wars, and a progressive decay of the political system wouldbe some of my reasons. Still we have to remember that the empire lasted 500years -- longer than the republic – and there were periods of prosperity andcalm. The death of the empire had many causes, one being the corruptive influenceof the king making army. But we get ahead of ourselves.
One of our best sources for historyof the empire is Tacitus, who lived from 58-117 A.D. He was a well-educated patricianwho rose to consul in 97 A.D. and was also famous as an orator. Tacitus was an eyewitness to many of the events he wrote about -- rare among Roman historians. Volumeone of his histories begins with the year of four emperors – a tug of warbetween four men who wanted to rule the empire. All four achieved their goalbut three got their lives cut short in the bargain. The last of the four, Vespasian,was able to stabilize the empire for twenty three years.
The year 69 A.D. was certainlyone of great turmoil in the Roman Empire, starting with Nero’s incompetence,which lost him the support of the army. His death on June 9th 68A.D. resulted from the followingsequence of events. In March of that year the governor of Gallia Lugdunensis,Gaius Vindex, rebelled against the taxes levied by Nero. The emperor then orderedthe governor of Germania Superior, Lucius Rufus, to put down the revolt. Vindexappealed to Servius Galba, governor of Hispania Tarraconensis, to help him.Galba refused and Rufus defeated Vindex in battle. Rufus’ troops proclaimed himemperor but he refused to act against Nero.
Galba’s support had grownunder the aid of Sabinus, prefect of the Praetorian Guard, and his march onRome precipitated the death of Nero. Since Nero represented the final member ofthe Judio-Claudian line, a new line would have to come out of a power struggle.Galba was old (72), and although seasoned in Roman politics he had a reputationfor cruelty. To make matters worse he attempted to stabilize the finances ofRome, offending many influential parties in the process.
On January 1, 69 A.D. twolegions of Germania Superior refused to take an oath to Galba. The next dayGermania Inferior revolted and proclaimed their governor, Vitellius the nextemperor. Galba adopted his protégé Piso to try and create a line of successionbut this caused him to appear weak. M. Sulvius Otho, former governor of Lusitania,upset that Piso was adopted instead of him, negotiated a deal with thePraetorian Guard to have himself named emperor. Galba, on the way to meet Otho,was assassinated with Piso following shortly after. It was January 15, 69 A.D.
Otho was a useless, dissipatedman who was short on capacity to lead. Hewas surprised to read in Galba’s correspondence the depth of the rebellion inGermany and the support Vitellius was receiving there. When Vitellius began amove toward Rome, Otho took his troops north to try and block entrance to Italybut arrived too late. When in haste he decided to attack Vitellius at Bedriacumand was defeated, Otho committed suicide on April 16th 69 A.D.
By July, the legions in theeast has declared for Vespasian. Otho’s adherents, looking for a new savior, agreedto support him. Vitellius sought to meet Vespasian in the field but was heldback by the Praetorians. After his army was defeated by surrogates ofVespasian, Vitellius was assassinated on December 22, 69 A.D, elevating thefourth man to emperor in a single year.
The map above shows the rivals for control of the empire and their movements during 68-70 A.D.
Vespasian was more shrewd than his adversaries: capitalizing on prophesiesthat a great military man would come out of Judea by advertising themvigorously, traveling to Egypt to secure the Roman gain supply, and using his son,Domitian, along with a colleague Mucianus to administer Rome until he arrivedmidway through 70 A.D.
Vespasian built the Coliseum in 70, and reigned successfully for ten years. His sons were not so lucky, however. Titus reigned from 79-81 A.D. duringthe time of the Vesuvius eruption, and died prematurely of fever. Domitian turnedout to be a hated tyrant and was assassinated in 96 A.D.