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ZPE 180 (2012)

Antonetti, C. – Cavalli, E., Il fondo epigrafico Petsas presso l’Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia: iscrizioni di Termo 173 Arbabzadah, M., The Disappearing Man: λακίνει / Λακινει⟨ν⟩ in a Greek Curse Tablet ... 253
Bassino, P., Certamen Homeri et Hesiodi: nuovi spunti per una riconsiderazione delle testimonianze papiracee  ... 38 
Begass, Ch., Bemerkungen zum spätantiken Rangtitel ὑπερφυέστατος in den Papyri  ... 279
Collins, A. W., Cleomenes of Naucratis, Heroonpolis, and the Revenue from Red Sea Tradeunder Alexander the Great  ... 237 
Daris, S., Su qualche toponimo dell’Ossirinchite  ... 263 
Dickey, E. – Ferri, R., A New Edition of the Colloquium Harleianum Fragment in P.Prag. 2.118 ...  127 
Diggle, J., Two Notes on Eur. Bacchae (64 and 370)  ... 48 
Eck, W. – Pangerl, A., L. Minicius Natalis in einem weiteren Militärdiplom für Pannonia superior  ... 287
–, Ein weiteres Diplom aus einer Konstitution für die Truppen von Moesia inferior vom 14. August 99 n. Chr.  ... 295 
Evans, T. V., The Optative at PMichZen 36. 3: Addendum ... 278 
Finglass, P. J., Epicharmus’ Monkey ...  51
Furley, W. D., Revisiting Some Textual Problems in the Delian Sarapis Aretalogy by Maiistas
(IG XI 4 no. 1299)  ... 117
Gärtner, Th., Der Erotikerkatalog in der Elegie „Leontion“ des Hermesianax von Kolophon: Überlegungen zu Aufbau und Überlieferung  ... 77 
Jones, C. P., Zeus Anabatênos and Zeus Kersoullos  ... 233 
Kayachev, B., The So-Called Orphic Gold Tablets in Ancient Poetry and Poetics  ... 17
Keesling, C. M., The Marathon Casualty List from Eua-Loukou and the Plinthedon Style in Attic Inscriptions  ... 139 
Klingenberg, A., Caracalla, der Lebensretter: Bemerkungen zu CIL XIV 2596 ...  302
Ma, J., Travelling Statues, Travelling Bases? Ancient Statues in Constantinople ...  243 
Mack, W., The Eresian Catalogue of Proxenoi (IG XII suppl. 127) ...  217 
Mancuso, G., Eracle, gli Arcadi e Platone comico (ancora su P.Oxy. 2737) ...  53 
Marginesu, G., χρῆσθαι λίθοις καὶ γῆι in un decreto del demo del Pireo (SEG 33.143.1–7) ...  153 
McLeod, D., Contract for the Sale of a Slave ...  256 
Menci, G., Un epigramma del Certamen Homeri et Hesiodi (309–312 Allen) in P.Duk. inv. 665  ... 43 
Meyer, E. A., Two Grants of Politeia and the Molossians at Dodona  ... 205 
Montana, F., Nuova luce su P.Amh. II 12, Col. I (hypomnema di Aristarco al libro I di Erodoto) ...  72 
Muñoz Flórez, J., Seis comentarios al texto del nuevo “In Diondam” de Hiperides  ... 67 
Nicolosi, A., P. Oxy. XVIII 2176 Fr. 6,12 (= Hippon. Fr. 131 E Dg.; 118 D W.2)  ... 49 
Pangerl, A. – Eck, W., L. Minicius Natalis in einem weiteren Militärdiplom für Pannonia superior  ... 287
–, Ein weiteres Diplom aus einer Konstitution für die Truppen von Moesia inferior vom 14. August 99 n. Chr.  ... 295
Petzl, G., Eine Notiz zum Vertrag zwischen Rom und dem Lyrischen Koinon von 46 v. Chr. (SEG 55, 1452)  ... 231
Pleket, H. W., Fraudulent Agonothetes ...  158 
Pöhlmann, E. – West, M. L., The Oldest Greek Papyrus and Writing Tablets: Fifth-Century Documents from the ‘Tomb of the Musician’ in Attica 1 Psoma, S., One Law or Two Laws on Approvers of Silver Coinage Proposed by Nikophon (SEG 26.72)?  ... 149 
Pöhlmann, E., Arepyros or A(u)re(lius) Pyros?  ... 202 
Russell, Th., ‘The Land of Inachus’ – Byzantium’s Early Coinage and Two Bosporus Toponyms  ... 133 
Shear, J. L., Hadrian, the Panathenaia, and the Athenian Calendar  ... 159 
Tsantsanoglou, K., The Statue of Philitas  ... 104 
Waebens, S., Reflecting the “Change in A.D.140”: The Veteran Categories of the epikrisis Documents Revisited  ... 267 
Jones, C. P., Correction to “An Inscription seen by Agathias” (ZPE 179 [2011] 107–115) ...  126

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