- 2012.02.25: Kristine Louise Haugen, Richard Bentley: Poetry and Enlightenment.
- 2012.02.24: Lâtife Summerer, Alexander von Kienlin, Tatarlı: renklerin dönüşü / The return of colours / Rückkehr der Farben.
- 2012.02.23: Pier Luigi Donini, Aristotle and Determinism. (first published 1989 as Ethos: Aristotele e il determinismo). Artistote: traductions et études.
- 2012.02.22: Richard V. Cudjoe, The Social and Legal Position of Widows and Orphans in Classical Athens. Symboles, 3.
- 2012.02.21: Walter Burkert, Griechische Religion der archaischen und klassischen Epoche. Zweite, überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage (first edition 1977). Die Religionen der Menschheit Band 15.
- 2012.02.20: Tim Whitmarsh, Narrative and Identity in the Ancient Greek Novel: Returning Romance. Greek culture in the Roman world.
- 2012.02.19: Norman Austin, Sophocles’ Philoctetes and the Great Soul Robbery. Wisconsin studies in classics.
- 2012.02.18: Andrea Nightingale, Once out of Nature: Augustine on Time and the Body.
- 2012.02.17: Anthony Dykes, Reading Sin in the World. The Hamartigenia of Prudentius and the Vocation of the Responsible Reader.
- 2012.02.16: Gillian Clark, Body and Gender, Soul and Reason in Late Antiquity. Variorum collected studies series, CS978.
- 2012.02.15: Henrik Mouritsen, The Freedman in the Roman World.
- 2012.02.14: Marina Prusac, From Face to Face: Recarving of Roman Portraits and the Late-antique Portrait Arts. Monumenta Graeca et Romana, 18.
- 2012.02.13: Anna Modigliani, Patricia Osmond, Marianne Pade, Johann Ramminger, Pomponio Leto tra identità locale e cultura internazionale: atti del convegno internazionale (Teggiano, 3-5 ottobre 2008). RR inedita, Saggi 48.