Protest continues; and political destruction continues likewise, as does police inactivity. Following the national 12th February protests and riots, there were local actions.
As Occupied London observed, ‘[t]hese turned violent‘. The people have been characterised as ‘anti-authoritarians [αντεξουσιαστές]‘; but there were tens of people, only ‘some [of whom were] wearing helmets [κάποια φορώντας κράνη]‘. They appear to be simply outraged citizens, the Aganaktismenoi (Αγανακτισμένοι).
Party/parliamentary/bureaucratic property
They ’caused material damage [προκάλεσαν υλικές ζημιές]‘ to the party office of the Christian far-right Popular Orthodox Rally (LAOS).
- They ’caused damage [προκάλεσαν ζημιές]‘ to Eurobank (on Democracy Square) with ‘stones, clubs and sledgehammers [πέτρες, ξύλα και βαριοπούλες]‘.
- They did the same to Probank (on Democracy Square).
(They also ‘caus[ed] damage [προκαλούν φθορές]‘ to an ATM/cash machine in the entrance of an apartment building in Skaltsodimou Street.)
General commercial properties
They ’caused material damage [προκάλεσαν υλικές ζημιές]‘ to (photo link) Gold Buyers pawn shop (ενεχυροδανειστήριο; on Democracy Square).
Public services
The front of the Post Office on Dimadi Square sustained ‘serious material damage [σοβαρές υλικές ζημιές]‘.
Personal private property
(They also ‘overturn[ed] [αναποδογύρισει]‘ a car parked in front of the post office; and caused ‘damage [ζημιές]‘ to cars in Stratou Square.)
Party/parliamentary/bureaucratic property
In the Achaia district of Patras, the Outraged went to the party office of pro-austerity PASOK MP, Minister of National Defence, Kostas Spiliopoulos (in Maizonos Street). They ‘tore the door to pieces. They turned the offices upside-down, and smashed whatever they found in front of them [έκαναν κομμάτια την πόρτα. Αναποδογύρισαν γραφεία και έσπασαν ό,τι βρήκαν μπροστά τους]‘ (all photo links).
Police (in)activity
As Agrinio Culture dryly observed, ‘typical, however, [was] the delay in the police’s intervention, since the anti-authoritarians managed to surprise the authorities with their evening attack [Χαρακτηριστική πάντως είναι η καθυστέρηση της αστυνομίας να επέμβει, αφού οι αντεξουσιαστές κατάφεραν με την αποψινή τους επίθεση να αιφνιδιάσουν τις αρχές]‘.
Since the protesters appear to have been the Outraged, rather than the Mask-Wearers, police inactivity cannot be explained as collaboration with parastate trouble-makers. Perhaps it is a more general strategy of allowing a minority’s momentary, isolated acts of violence in order to excuse subsequent, heavy-handed repression of the popular movement.