Shortly after Fornvännen 2012:1 reached subscribers on paper, issue 2011:2 has now been published on-line. Get thee there, Dear Reader, and read for free (not dearly)!
- Joakim Wehlin on why some of Gotland's mightiest Bronze Age monuments were built next to the island's single megalithic tomb of the Early Neolithic.
- Karl-Magnus Melin on ancient wells.
- Torun Zachrisson makes an interesting suggestion as to where the church of Birka may have been located.
- Jürgen Beyer tries to make sense of some semi-literate 16th century epigraphy in Plattdeutsch on Gotland.
- Tryggve Siltberg criticises Anders Andrén's view of Medieval social structure in rural Gotland.
- Staffan von Arbin & Hans Linderson present the Medieval shipwreck in Jorefjorden (you read about it here first!)
- Herman Bengtsson identifies the architect's portrait in Uppsala Cathedral.
- Magnus Green traces the fate of some English ecclesiastical embroidery in a Swedish rural church after the Reformation.