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Sponsored by: Ryerson University, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), the University of Athens, Hydrama Theatre & Arts Centre, and the University of Southern CaliforniaTHE WOMEN AND WAR CONFERENCE
July 3-5, 2012 Hydra Island GREECE
CALL FOR PAPERS/WORKSHOPS/VIDEOS/FILMSWe are pleased to announce The First Annual Women & War Conference: Building an Interdisciplinary Dialogue. The three-day conference will examine the experience of women in war, past and present, using ancient Greek drama as a means of inciting international discourse on post traumatic stress syndrome and healing..
We invite submissions and registration from mental health researchers, theatre, music, dance, and visual artists, historians, and scholars engaged in examining the roles and representation of women in war and resultant psychological trauma. The conference will be constituted of cutting-edge research papers, photojournalism, film/video, and workshops, and the conference proceedings will be published by Ryerson University.
Conference Web-Page:
Submission of Papers Workshops/Film/Videos: by April 7, 2012
Reduced fee for Conference registration: by May 1st 2012Research questions fuelling our enquiries include:
1. Can contemporary theatrical and/or dance productions of Ancient Greek battle-themed plays written to a backdrop of war provide a lens through which to view and debate the female war experience? Can these productions effectively examine moral and ethical conflicts related to participation in and around combat? If so, how is this assessed?
2. Can the recovery process for war-related PTSD be assisted by the transformative power of theatre, dance, film, video, and still photography?
3. How do artists, scholars, and researchers adopt modes of formulating and disseminating research that draws upon traditional intellectually-driven findings, yet which may culminate in the sharing of embodied knowledge, personalized and presented through performance?
4. Where are the effective intersections in social sciences and humanities research in the areas of mental health, war, gender, and the arts?
Proposed topic areas, spanning pre-war, during war, and post-war experiences include:
Acting and Performing Identity
Humanities Informing Healthcare and the Long-Term Impact of Trauma
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
Women and Military Socialisation
Women on the Home Front and the Battle Front
Motherhood and War
Women War Artists
The Refugee ExperienceThe conference is open to military personnel, mental health researchers, educators, scholars and artists from all over the world and is an opportunity to meet potential collaborators from different countries as well as participate in an international discussion about the impact of war on women globally.
The conference working languages are English and Greek. Translation services will be provided.
You are welcome to take part in the conference as a Speaker, Workshop Presenter, and/or Participant. Space, however, is limited. Please apply early.
Papers, presentations, workshops, and world premier theatre performances looking at the entire pre-, during-, and post-war experience for women are encouraged. It is important that scholars, artists, and researchers from all disciplines attend and participate.
Papers: 15 minute papers may be presented, followed by Q & A
Film/Videos: Up to 30 minutes of film/video may be presented, with a discussion immediately following with the director/producer/and/or other key artists.
Practical workshop, master class, work in progress, performance fragment not requiring special technical conditions, reading/lecture, other way of demonstration offered by Speaker/Presenter will be considered.
Proposals should be sent to: peggy.shannon AT and should include the following documents:
· Detailed CV
· Brief Biography – max 100 words
· Title and format of presentation
· Abstract of presentation – max 300 wordsIf proposing a film or video presentation please include:
· 5 minute Film/Video extract, DVD format, with a full synopsis (if applicable).
All documents of a presentation proposal should be sent in one email as PDF attachments: text documents should be sent in Word format; photo materials should be sent in JPEG format; Video/Films in DVD format.
Participants of accepted submissions will be notified by April 22nd, 2012.
Registration fee:
Early Bird – 275 CAD (180 GBP) for registration before May 1st
Regular – 400 CAD (254 GBP) for registration after May 1st
Student/Senior – 132.50 CAD (84 GBP)The fee covers participation in all events of the conference including panels and presentations, a welcome dinner on July 3rd, entrance to The Women & War Photo Exhibition, and three world premier productions. It does not, however, cover meals and accommodation.
The official day of arrival is Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012
The day of departure is Friday, July 6th, 2012
Conference Web-Page: web page :
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