Channel: Maia Atlantis: Ancient World Blogs
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How many Objects are PAS "Finders" Finding and Keeping?

It is interesting to look through the PAS statistics for the self-recording finders. There is an inherent probability that many of them are collectors with collections (and the knowledge about the items) so the figures of items recorded in a year will give an idea about the accumulation of objects.

vivienne wilson PUBLIC 4 4
Linz PUBLIC 475 475
Gerald Cramp PUBLIC 1 1
alan charman PUBLIC 172 169
trevor PUBLIC 5 5
Patrick PUBLIC 182 182
Len Eeles PUBLIC 412 404
David Calow PUBLIC 67 67
Richard Gibson PUBLIC 11 11
kally PUBLIC 21 10
keith PUBLIC 3 3
Ryan PUBLIC 330 330
Roger PUBLIC 166 166
Kathy PUBLIC 641 641
Graham Hill PUBLIC 871 871
Adrian PUBLIC 216 216
Richard Milton PUBLIC 5 5
George PUBLIC 135 135
Jenny PUBLIC 254 254
Jenna PUBLIC 93 93
Nick PUBLIC 15 15
Bob Dick PUBLIC 1 1
Geoff PUBLIC 62 62
Ian Richards PUBLIC 5 5
tony PUBLIC 246 246
Marcus Ashley PUBLIC 7 7
Roy Powell PUBLIC 4 4
Ange Zammit PUBLIC 3 3
Rowena Hart PUBLIC 2 2
charles bullock PUBLIC 14 14
Russell Peach PUBLIC 1 1
Graham Bould PUBLIC 37 37
Bish PUBLIC 65 65
Paul Sullivan PUBLIC 53 53
David Roberts PUBLIC 37 37
Alex Bliss PUBLIC 44 28
Dave Miles PUBLIC 3 3
Donnydave PUBLIC 53 53
Gary Bankhead PUBLIC 37 37
Tom Redmayne PUBLIC 291 291
John Brassey PUBLIC 2 2
John Dury PUBLIC 1 1
frank PUBLIC 1 1
Eloise Markwick PUBLIC 29 29
Dan PUBLIC 17 17
Robert Pliszka PUBLIC 5 5
Tony Bardsley PUBLIC 1 1
R Guide PUBLIC 20 20
Ed Lea PUBLIC 7 7
chez PUBLIC 4 4
Bernie Spiegelhalter PUBLIC 16 15
Mark PUBLIC 2 2
Steve PUBLIC 134 134
clivenobbs PUBLIC 7 7
Shaun PUBLIC 4 4
Fiona PUBLIC 2 2
terry mallison PUBLIC 1 1
Pat Filgate PUBLIC 5 5
Andy PUBLIC 2 2
Ian Glendinning PUBLIC 4 4
Ann Other PUBLIC 4 4
colin PUBLIC 2 2
Brin Head PUBLIC 1 1
darren PUBLIC 1 1
Richie Morrissey PUBLIC 1 1
eddie PUBLIC 1 1
Colin Knight PUBLIC 1 1
Rosemarie Louise Clancey PUBLIC 12 7
Ringo PUBLIC 2 2
owen elms PUBLIC 1 1
wayne burton PUBLIC 4 4
Wendy Thompson PUBLIC 2 2
John PUBLIC 2 2
vicky PUBLIC 12 12
Daniel PUBLIC 1 1
john brownsell PUBLIC 4 4
Neil Henry-Robertson PUBLIC 5 5
andrew fox PUBLIC 3 3
mrix PUBLIC 1 1
Roger Munden PUBLIC 3 3
Jason Moos PUBLIC 266 261

Obviously not all of the finds recorded on the PAS database in 2011 by Finder X will have been found in 2011, some of these people may be dealing with backlogs going back several years of non-reported finds. Likewise those who record just one or two may have many more objects at home, but they were just trying out the system (or boosting 'recorders' statistics for the PAS). Nevertheless these figures provide quite an interesting contrast with the figures for reporting of finds for 2011, where statistically one detectorist in England and Wales corresponds to just under eight finds in the PAS database, when it is clear that many will find this many recordable finds in a single weekend. So, what is happening to the rest?

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