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CONF: Classical Beauty: a conference on ancient aesthetics at Durham University, 22-23 March


Seen on Rome-Arch

Classical Beauty: reflections on ancient aesthetics, at Durham University on Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd March 2012, generously sponsored by the British Society of Aesthetics, Durham University’s Institute of Advanced Study, and the Department of Classics & Ancient History at Durham University

Thursday 22nd March 2012

The College of St Hild and St Bede, Durham

12.45-1.00 p.m. Registration

1.00-2.15 p.m. Lunch

2.15-2.20 p.m. Introduction and welcome

Session 1: Beauty and the Greeks
2.20-3.20 Professor David Konstan (New York University): The Greek Idea of Beauty

3.20-3.45 Tea and coffee

Session 2: Aesthetics in Literature
3.45-4.45 Professor Pierre Destree (University of Louvain-la-Neuve): Beauty and Aesthetic Pleasures
4.45-5.45 Professor Malcolm Heath (University of Leeds): Unity

6.00-7.00 Drinks reception

7.30-10.00 Conference dinner

10.00 Bus shuttle to Van Mildert College

Friday 23rd March 2012

The Lindisfarne Centre

Session 3: Beauty in Painting
9.30-10.30 Professor Agnès Rouveret (University of Paris X-Nanterre): Painting and private art collections in Rome

10.30-11.00 Coffee

Session 4: Aesthetics in Architecture
11.00-12.00 Professor Catherine Saliou (University of Paris VIII): Architectural Beauty and Society, 4th century B.C. to 4th century A.D.
12.00-1.00 Dr Edmund Thomas (Durham University): Reflections on Architectural Beauty and Aesthetics

1.00-2.30 Lunch

2.30-3.30 Table Ronde. Respondent: Professor Glenn Most (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)

3.30-4.00 Tea and coffee

4.00-7.00 Excursions (Durham Cathedral, Palace Green Library)

There is no conference fee, but a small charge is made for lunch (£5.50, students or unwaged £4.50) and dinner (£25 + wine, students £20 + wine).

Anyone interested in attending the conference should please email me at e.v.thomas by Wednesday 7th March.

A small number of rooms are available at Van Mildert College for those requiring overnight accommodation at the following rates:
Single ensuite: £42
Single, shared bathroom: £31
Twin, ensuite: £76
Enquiries regarding accommodation should be sent to Mrs Janet Dawson, Van Mildert College at jan.dawson AT durham.ac.uk.

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