LOST AND FOUND, but a little late:
Found: Ancient Warrior's Helmet, Owner UnknownIt's something of a mystery how it was lost. Losing a gold earring is bad but, for a warrior, this would be worse.
Owen Jarus, LiveScience Contributor
Date: 28 February 2012 Time: 11:27 AM ET
A Greek bronze helmet, covered with gold leaf and decorated with snakes, lions and a peacock's tail (or palmette), has been discovered in the waters of Haifa Bay in Israel. But how this helmet ended up at the bottom of the bay is a mystery.
The helmet dates back around 2,600 years and likely belonged to a wealthy Greek mercenary who took part in a series of wars, immortalized in the Bible, which ravaged the region at that time. Archaeologists believe that he likely fought for an Egyptian pharaoh named Necho II.