Texts/Versions and Modules: Bibleworks 9, like earlier versions of the software, includes a number of helpful texts and modules. The NIV and ESV 2011 updates are both available on BW9. Not available on BW9, unfortunately, is the New English Translation of the Septuagint (NETS), although this is available as a module on Accordance. (PDFs of NETS are available on line here). I should hope that NETS will be made available as a BW module in forthcoming versions, if not included for free, at least for purchase.
Of course some of the included modules are more valuable than others, especially to professional academics and advanced students. Those which are made available for free are:
Old Testament Quotations in the NT, Archer & Chirichigno
BibleWorks Greek and Hebrew Paradigms
Moods and Tenses of NT Greek, by Ernest Dewitt Burton
Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, by R. H. Charles
Grammar of LXX Greek, Coneybeare & Stock
Grammar of the Greek NT, by William Hersey Davis
Hebrew Grammar, by Gesenius
The Apocryphal New Testament, by Montague Rhodes James
A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew, by Joüon, Muraoka
Greek Enchridion, by William Graham MacDonald
Commentary on the Bible, by Matthew Henry
Textual Commentary on the Greek NT, by Bruce M. Metzger
Nave’s Topical Bible, by Orville J. Nave
Introduction to the Peshito-Syriac Text, by William Norton
A Grammar of the Greek New Testament, by A. T. Robertson
New Edition of the Babylonian Talmud, by Michael L. Rodkinson
Early Church Fathers, by Philip Schaff
The Biographical Bible, by David G. Stephan
Grammar of Palestinian Jewish Aramaic, by Wm. B. Stevenson
The New Chain-Reference Bible, by Frank Thompson
Greek New Testament apparatus, by Tischendorf
TEXTKRITIK des Neuen Testaments, by Gregory
The New Topical Textbook, by R. A. Torrey
The Revised CATSS Hebrew/Greek Parallel Text introduction, by Tov & Polak
Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics, by Daniel Wallace
Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax, by Waltke and O’Connor
Users can purchase additional modules for the program, though their costs aren’t always cheaper than the hardcopy versions. I myself purchased the BDAG and HALOT lexicon bundle when I first got the program years ago. (These are so valuable that I recently donated my hardcopy of BDAG to a college charity auction since I always use the BW version and literally hadn’t used the hardcopy in years). I have since added the unabridged LSJ lexicon, the Qumran Sectarian Manuscripts, and Comfort and Barrett’s The Text of The Earliest New Testament Greek Manuscripts. All of these, except perhaps Comfort and Barrett (since I don’t do much TC), are must haves — IMHO. Now, those upgrading from BW7 and earlier will have to exchange their previous unlock codes for new ones since the codes work a bit differently now, though the submission process is painless; they are entered at the installation/modification menu and are now a couple of digits longer. But on the whole, I believe adding modules and downloading updates works better than it did formerly, since in the past I occassionaly encountered error messages that made things rather frustrating.