For the past few years I've used Brizzly to look at my tweetstream when on my desktop. It has some great features, but dont bother investigating them, as from the end of the month it will be going. The team got bought out by AOL and are now doing other things. Bah. I have to learn new habits. I hate learning new habits.
Along with it will go some of the content that I posted on the twitters. We all know cloud services are ephemeral, right? Right? Well, here's the proof. The "what DH thinks it/actually does" meme that I stuck up a mere 3 weeks ago using Brizzly (why? cant quite remember, it was late on a Sunday night and it seemed the quickest way to do it), which garnered hundreds of RTs, and was viewed here alone 1927 times (and elsewhere on facebook and blogs and google+) will go with it. Of course there are versions of it elsewhere. But the Brizzly address that was shared far and wide was the one the dead links will point to.
Darn. Rookie mistake. Oh well. Like the interwebz sayz, that meme jumped the shark, forever ago. And if you pay nothing...