- 2012.03.09: Thomas Baier, Geschichte der römischen Literatur. Beck’sche Reihe 2446.
- 2012.03.08: Paul Roche, Pliny’s Praise: the Panegyricus in the Roman World.
- 2012.03.07: David M. Johnson, Socrates and Athens. Greece and Rome: Texts and Contexts.
- 2012.03.06: Robert Parker, On Greek Religion. Cornell studies in classical philology, 60
- 2012.03.05: Florian Krüpe, Die Damnatio memoriae: über die Vernichtung von Erinnerung. Eine Fallstudie zu Publius Septimius Geta (198-211 n. Chr.).
- 2012.03.04: Ilaria Ramelli, Hierocles the Stoic: Elements of Ethics, Fragments and Excerpts. Writings from the Greco-Roman World.
- 2012.03.03: Thomas Schmidt, Pascale Fleury, Perceptions of the Second Sophistic and Its Times / Regards sur la Seconde Sophistique et son époque. Phoenix supplementary volumes, 49.
- 2012.03.02: Rachel Maclean, Timothy Insoll, An Archaeological Guide to Bahrain.
- 2012.02.54: Whitmarsh on Martzavou on Whitmarsh, Narrative and Identity in the Ancient Greek Novel. Response by Tim Whitmarsh.
- 2012.02.53: Sarah Broadie, Philoponus: On Aristotle Physics 4.10-14. Ancient commentators on Aristotle.
- 2012.02.52: P. G. Naiditch, The Library of Richard Porson.
- 2012.02.51: Anita Di Stefano, Arusiani Messi Exempla elocutionum. Bibliotheca Weidmanniana. Collectanea grammatica latina, 6.