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Open Access Paleoanthropology Dissertations

 [First posted in AWOL 30 January 2010. Updated 6 March 2012]

Paleoanthropology Society
The Paleoanthropology Society provides a dissertation (PhD thesis) distribution service. We will place your dissertation, in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, on our web server so that others can easily access it. This service does not preclude you from publishing it elsewhere.

To place your dissertation on this web site, you will first need to submit the abstract to us for review. We will assess whether it meets with our mission to support work in the field of paleoanthropology. Once it is accepted, you will then provide us with a PDF version.

Abstract Cancellieri, Emanuelle. 2010. From the watershed to the Great Adriatic Plain: an investigation on humans and landscape ecology during the late Upper Paleolithic. The significance of lithic technology. University of Ferrara. 332pp.

Abstract Estabrook, V.H. 2009 Sampling Biases and New Ways of Addressing the Significance of Trauma in Neandertals. Department of Anthropology. University of Michigan. 407pp.
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Abstract Mackay, A. 2009. History and selection in the late Pleistocene archaeology of the Western Cape, South Africa. School of Archaeology and Anthropology, Australian National University, Canberra.
Abstract Mounier, A. 2009. Validité du taxon Homo heidelbergensis Schoetensack, 1908. Thèse d'Anthropologie Biologique, Faculté de Médecine, Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille. 514pp.

Abstract DeSilva, Jeremy. 2008Vertical Climbing Adaptations in the Anthropoid Ankle andMidfoot: Implications for Locomotion in MioceneCatarrhines and Plio-Pleistocene Hominins. The University of Michigan. 363pp.
Abstract de Sousa, Alexandra. 2008 Hominoid Brain Organization: Histometric and Morphometric Comparisons of Visual Brain Structures. The George Washington University. 298pp.
AbstractGilbert, Christopher. 2008. African Papionin Phylogenetic History and Plio-Pleistocene Biogeography. Department of Anthropology, Stony Brook University. 196pp.
Abstract Jabbour, Rebecca S. 2008. Geographic Variation in the Forelimb and Hindlimb Skeletons of African Apes. Department of Anthropology, The City University of New York. 602pp.
Abstract Masters, Michael P. 2008. Modern Variation and Evolutionary Change in the Hominin Eye Orbit. Department of Anthropology, The Ohio State University. 160pp.
Abstract Schurmans, Utsav A. 2008. The Production of Small Flakes in the Middle Paleolithic: A New Look at Assemblage Variability. Department of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania. 317pp.
Abstract Skinner, Matthew. 2008. Enamel-dentine junction morphology of extant hominoid and fossil hominin lower molars. Department of Anthropology, George Washington University. 202pp.
AbstractStallman, Robert R. 2008. The Pace and Processes of Early Divergence and Statis: Morphological Evolution in Isolated Populations of the Sulawesi Booted Macaque, Macaca orchreata (Cercopithecidae). Department of Anthropology, University of California Davis. 306pp.
AbstractThompson, Jessica. 2008. Zooarchaeological tests for modern human behavior at Blombos Cave and Pinnacle Point Cave 13B, southwestern Cape, South Africa. School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University. 523pp.

Abstract Dewar, Genevieve. 2007 The archeology of the coastal desert of
Namaqualand, South Africa: a regional synthesis. Department of Archaeology. University of Cape Town. 320pp.
Abstract Egeland, Charles. 2007 Zooarchaeological and Taphonomic Perspectives on Hominid and Carnivore Interactions at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Department of Anthropology. Indiana University.313pp.
Abstract Pobiner, Briana Lee. 2007 Hominin-Carnivore Interactions: Evidence from Modern Carnivore Bone Modification and Early Pleistocene Archaeofaunas (Koobi Fora, Kenya; Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania). Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.  575pp.
Abstract Tocheri, Matthew. 2007 Three-dimensional riddles of the radial wrist: Derived carpal and carpometacarpal joint morphology in the genus Homo and the implications for understanding the evolution of stone tool-related behaviors in hominins. Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University. 326pp.
Abstract Yoo, Yongwook. 2007 Long-Term Changes in the Organziation of Lithic Technology: A Case Study from the Imjin-Hantan River Area, Korea. McGill University. 369pp.

Abstract Belmaker, Miriam.  2006  Community Structure through Time: 'Ubeidiya, a  Lower Pleistocene Site as a Case Study.  The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  284pp.
Abstract Heaton, Jason 2006 Taxonomy of the Sterkfontein Fossil Cercopithecinae: The Papionini of Members 2 and 4 (Gauteng, South Africa).  Indiana University. 479pp.
Abstract Njau, Jackson2006 The Relevance of Crocodiles to Oldowan Hominin Paleoecology at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania.  Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.  324pp.
Abstract Olejniczak, Anthony. 2006 Micro-Computed Tomography of Primate Molars. Stony Brook University. 242pp.
Abstract Premo, L.S. 2006 Patchiness and Prosociality: Modeling the Evolution and  Archaeology of Plio-Pleistocene Hominin Food Sharing. University of Arizona. 358pp.
Abstract Van Arsdale, A.  2006  Mandibular variation in early Homo from Dmanisi, Georgia.  Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan. 244pp. 

Abstract Abe, Yoshiko.  2005 Hunting and Butchery Patterns of the Evenki in Northern Transbaikalia, Russia.  Stony Brook University.  555pp.
Abstract Kandel, A. 2005 Comparative Studies in Landscape Archaeology.  University of Tübingen. 201pp.
Abstract Minichillo, T.J. 2005  Middle Stone Age Lithic Study, South Africa: An Examination of Modern Human Origins. University of Washington. 298pp.
Abstract Tactikos, J.C. 2005 A Landscape Perspective on the Oldowan from Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania.  Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.  284pp.

Abstract Banks, William.  2004 Toolkit Structure and Site Use: Results of a High-Power Use-Wear Analysis of Lithic Assemblages from Solutré (Saône-et-Loire), France.  University of Kansas. 179pp.
Abstract Copeland, Sandi.  2004 Paleoanthropological Implications of Vegetation and Wild Plant Resources in Modern Savanna Landscapes, With Implications to Plio-Pleistocene Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania.  Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. 422pp.
Abstract Morin, Eugène. 2004 Late Pleistocene population interaction in Western Europe and modern human origins: New insights based on the faunal remains from Saint-Césaire, southwestern France.  University of Michigan. 450pp.
Abstract Moyer, C.C. 2004 The Organisation of Lithic Technology in the Middle and Early Upper Palaeolithic Industries at the Haua Fteah, Libya. University of Cambridge. 298pp.
Abstract Smith, T.M.  2004 Incremental Development of Primate Dental Enamel. Stony Brook University.  370pp.
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Abstract Tafforeau, Paul. 2004 Aspects Phylogenetiques et fonctionnels de la microstructure de l'email dentaire et de la structure tridimensionnelle des molaires chez les primates fossiles et actuels: Apports de la mircotomographie à rayonnement X synchrotron. Université Montpellier II. 284pp.

Abstract Pilbrow, Varsha. 2003 Dental variation in African apes with implications for understanding patterns of variation in species of fossil apes. 366pp.
Abstract Rougier, Hélène. 2003 Étude descriptive et comparative de Biache-Saint-Vaast I (Biache-Saint-Vaast, Pas-De-Calais, France). Université Bordeaux I. 424pp.

Abstract Bailey, Shara.  2002  Neandertal Dental Morphology: Implications for Modern Human Origins.  Arizona State University.  238pp.
Abstract Rivals, Florent. 2002 Les petits bovidés pléistocènes dans le bassin méditerranéen et le Caucase. Etude paléontologique, biostratigraphique, archéozoologique et paléoécologique. PhD dissertation. Perpignan: Université de Perpignan. 417 pp.
Abstract Soressi, M. 2002 Le Moustérien de tradition acheuléenne du sud-ouest de la France. Discussion sur la signification du faciès à partir de l'étude comparée de quatre sites : Pech-de-l'Azé I, Le Moustier, La Rochette et la Grotte XVI. Thèse de l'Université Bordeaux I. 339 pp.
Abstract Steele, T.E. 2002 Red Deer: Their Ecology and How They Were Hunted by Late Pleistocene Hominids in Western Europe. Stanford University.  274 pp.
Abstract Weaver, T.D. 2002 A multi-causal functional analysis of hominid hip morphology. Stanford University. 221 pp.

Abstract Frost, S.R.  2001 Fossil Cercopithecidae from the Afar Depression, Ethiopia: Species systematics and comparison to the Turkana Basin. City University of New York. 463pp.
Abstract Weaver,A.H. 2001 The Cerebellum and Cognitive Evolution in Pliocene and Pleistocene Hominids.  University of New Mexico.  309pp.

Abstract Cleuvenot, Emmanuel. 1999 Courbures Sagittales de la Colonne Vertebrale Determinees par la Morphologie des Vertebres. Developpement d'une Nouvelle Methodologie et Application chez Homo sapiens. Université de Bordeaux I.  317pp. 
Abstract Bouzouggar, Abdeljalil. 1997 Matières premières, processus de fabrication et de gestion des supports d'outils dans la séquence atérienne de la grotte des Contrabandiers à Témera.  Université de Bordeaux I.  312pp. 

Crummett, Tracey. 1994 The evolution of shovel shaping: Regional and temporal variation in human incisor morphology. 363pp.

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