We are pleased to announce that in the first five days of March Fellowship Madness we have raised nearly $4,500 for fellowships! At least four additional students will now receive fellowships this summer.
If you haven’t given yet please consider donating today! Help us keep up the momentum and allow more deserving students to conduct field work this summer. Our goal is to raise $20,000 and give out an additional 20 fellowships to our record number of applicants. We have over one fifth of the money raised and if we manage to surpass our goal even more students will receive fellowships. You can read more information on our main website.
To get an idea of how important these fellowships are read what last year’s fellows did in the field and how their fellowships were often crucial to their careers.
“Thanks to the Platt fellowship program I was able to go to Tall Jalul this past summer and have a wonderful six weeks participating in the excavations there. This past season not only added to my field experience and overall understanding of archaeology, but it opened doors for personal research opportunities, allowed me to learn more of the technological side of things, and provided me with an unforgettable cultural experience.” –Jacob Moody, 2011 Platt Fellow
Please consider donating at least $25 today. It is a great way to ensure the current and future health of archaeology as a profession!