Tip o’ the pileus to Kristina Kilgrove, who alerted us to a very interesting post in the Guardian: Nine ways scientists can help improve science journalism.
I reproduce the ‘meat’ article below, but encourage folks to read the original. In what follows, I’ve changed all instances of “science” to “archaeology” and “scientist” to “archaeologist” … and the advice is still really good! Here’s the salient bits:
Ways scientists can improve
sciencearchaeological journalism:
1. Watch what you releaseIn the balance between carefully reporting
sciencearchaeology and courting interest, we believe many press releases push the latter too far. We can help journalists by stating limitations and highlighting danger points in interpretation where an untrained eye might confuse correlation with causation, or absolute and relative risks.Doing so requires us to place public understanding of
sciencearchaeology above our own vanity and pressure to achieve impact.
2. Reach outFor us this debate has highlighted the degree of separation between
sciencearchaeology and journalism, with neither world understanding in any detail the nature of the other. So let’s get to know each better and destroy the “ivory tower” myth.
3. Be thereHow many of us ensure we know exactly when our press release will be made public and make time in our diaries for interviews? The reality is that if we are unavailable in the 48 hours following the press release then the ship may have sailed, or sunk.
ScienceArchaeology may grow like a bristlecone pine but most news stories are mayflies.
4. Be preparedMedia training courses are important, but so is common sense. Key quotes can be prepared in advance of interviews. Advice from non-experts can help recognise and eliminate jargon.
5. Think bigWe must accept that accuracy is relative.
ScientistsArchaeologists already know that their own peer-reviewed articles routinely include what otherscientistsarchaeologists would regard as oversimplifications. Journalists need us to shift our mindset to the perspective of the layperson and question whether a particular detail or caveat is necessary to convey the broader importance of the work. For a vital caveat, be ready to explain clearly why it is part of the big picture.
6. Think blogBlogs are often regarded as an alternative to PR and commercial media, but they may also be useful as extra resources for journalists. If a journalist doesn’t understand your press release or journal article and can’t get you on the phone, they could refer to your blog for detail and FAQs. As successful blogs show, this bridge can be highly valuable. We’ve tried this with an expanded version of the current article.
7. Make it public
ScientistsArchaeologists face unrelenting pressure to publish in the most respected journals, placing much science behind paywalls.The ethical concerns this raises, especially for publicly funded
sciencearchaeology , have been underlined at length (see for example here, here, and here).We can post our articles on our websites but a coordinated move to open access publishing may require changes in government policy .
8. Watch your neighbourhoodWhen things go wrong, act. We must take the time to challenge misreporting of our own research and other work in our fields. Many
scientistsarchaeologists are apathetic about misreporting, either laughing it off or resenting it – but then doing nothing about it. Equally important is to challengepseudoscienceor exaggerated claims in our own fields. Badsciencearchaeology has no better ally than silence from goodscientistsarchaeologists.
9. Get the factsArgument is no substitute for evidence. Most
scientistsarchaeoloists are not experts in journalism studies, but that shouldn’t stop us from teaming up with the experts and doing research on how our area ofsciencearchaeology is represented in the media. We have just embarked on research in our own field to assess the accuracy of press releases and news stories, and the attitudes of scientists toward them. We would encourage morescientistsarchaeologists to do the same.
- modified from: Nine ways scientists can help improve science journalism (Guardian)
We might note in passing that #8 is especially important because the most sensational reports we seem to deal with purposely seem to be inverting the last line (i.e. putting vanity and pressure to achieve impact above (genuine) public understanding of archaeology) …