In the ongoing debate over the Talpiyot Tombs several more responses have been posted on the blog. Read through them to see a range of scholars opinions on the matter.
Archaeologists excavating at Ramat Rahel, the site of the only known palace dating back to the kingdom of Biblical Judah, have been able to determine the layout of the ancient garden and many of the plants grown there through pollen analysis. This includes the earliest evidence of the citron, or etrog , in the Middle East.
Punjab University archaeologists have discovered a rare Indus seal in steatite, dated to 2500-2000 BC. The seal is decorated with the carved figure of an Ibex and two pictographs.
South African archaeologist, Chris Henshilwood, is working to discover what impact the climate and environment might have had on South Africa’s Still Bay culture and its successor Howiesons Poort.
A total of 23 pre-Columbian stone plaques dating back approximately 550 years, with carvings illustrating such Aztec myths as the birth of the god of war Huitzilopochtli, were discovered by archaeologists in front of the Great Temple of Tinochtitlan in downtown Mexico City. Read more here as well.
Researchers from the University of Oregon have used cameras attached to blimps and helium balloons to map the first Native American Medicine Wheels ever reported in Oregon.
An elite force of prehistoric warriors – carved from solid rock in the western Mediterranean 2700 years ago – is rising from oblivion. The warriors were originally sculpted and placed on guard over the graves of elite Iron Age Sardinians, buried in the 8 century BC.
Archaeologists are excavating the Roman city of Hippos, destroyed by an earthquake in 749 C.E. and never resettled, which have left it remarkable well preserved.
A recent archaeoacoustic study suggests that the builders of the 3,000-year-old Andean ceremonial center at Chavín de Huántar, in the central highlands of Peru, designed the temple structures to specifically amplify sounds emitted from conch-shell trumpets.
Some of the earliest evidence of prehistoric architecture has been discovered in the Jordanian desert, providing archaeologists with a new perspective on how humans lived 20,000 years ago. The site, Kharaneh IV, is one of the densest and largest Palaeolithic open-air sites in the region.
Scientists in Russia have grown plants from fruit stored away in permafrost by squirrels over 30,000 years ago.
Four previously unknown shipwrecks have been discovered some 30 kilometers off the Bay of Irakleio, Crete, in recent underwater exploration conducted by the ephorate of underwater antiquities.
Many ancient technologies have been lost to time. How do we lose technologies that were once so important and how do modern scholars reconstruct them?
The earliest known copy of the Mona Lisa has been uncovered, by removing layers of black paint that had obscured the background.
Meticulous mapping and excavations at an ancient cave in the Yucatan Peninsula are revealing the importance of the site to the ancient Maya — for both religious ritual and human survival.
The Hampshire and Wight Trust for Maritime Archaeology has discovered a Mesolithic boat-building site. Click here to watch the video on the discoveries.