[Originally posted 9/21/09. Updated 3/11/2012]
Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology
ISSN 1824-1670
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Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology
ISSN 1824-1670
JIIA 'Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology' è una testata telematica registrata presso il Tribunale di Frosinone con il n.303/2003; ha ISSN 1824-1670; è associata all'USPI (Unione Stampa Periodica Italiana) dal 2003.
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Archaeology articles added in 2011G
García Vargas, Enrique Alberto (2011) Oriental trade in the Iberian Peninsula during Late Antiquity (4th-7th centuries AD). An archaeological perspective. In: New Perspectives on Late Antiquity. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, pp. 76-117. ISBN (10)1-4438-2718-5; (13)978-1-4438-2718-8W
Wagner, Carlos Gonzales (2011) Fenicios en Tartessos: ¿Interacción o colonialismo? In: Fenicios en Tartesos: nuevas perspectivas. BAR International Series 2245 . Archaeopress, Oxford, pp. 119-128. ISBN 978 1 4073 0809 8Archaeology articles added in 2010G
García Vargas, Enrique Alberto (2010) Formal romanisation and the atlantic projection of amphorae from the Guadalquivir Valley. In: The Western Roman Atlantic Façade: A Study of the Economy and Trade in the Mar Exterior from the Republic to the Principate. BAR International Series 2162 . Archaeopress, Oxford, pp. 55-65. ISBN 978-1-4073-0706-0
García Vargas, Enrique Alberto and Florido del Corral, David (2010) The origin and development of tuna-fishing nets (almadrabas). In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on "Ancient Nets and Fishing Gear in Classical Antiquity. A First Approach". Monographs of the Sagena Project 2 . Aarhus University Press, Aarhus, pp. 205-227. ISBN 978-84-9828-302-0
García Vargas, Enrique Alberto and García Fernández, Francisco José (2010) Entre gaditanización y romanización: repertorios cerámicos, alimentación e integración cultural en Turdetania (siglos III-I a.C.). Saguntum. Papeles del Laboratorio de Arqueología de Valencia (Número Extraordinario 9. De la cuina a la Taula. IV Reunió d'Economia en el primer mil.leni AC.). pp. 115-134. ISSN 0210-3729M
Maestre Borge, Maria de la Cinta and García Vargas, Enrique Alberto and Vázquez Paz, Jacobo and García García, Miguel Angel (2010) "Contextos de mediados del siglo VI d.C. procedentes de la colmatación de una cisterna romana de Hispalis (Sevilla, España)". In: Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean. Archaeology and archaeometry. Comparison between western and eastern Mediterranean. British Archaeological Reports. BAR International Series 2185 (I), I . Archaeopress, Oxford, pp. 183-192. ISBN 978-1-4073-0736-7P
Piraud-Fournet, Pauline (2010) Les bains du Palais de Trajan à Bosra. Fouilles et relevés des bains associés à une grande demeure d’époque byzantine et omeyyade. Rapport des opérations menées au sein de la mission archéologique française en Syrie du sud, dirigée par F. Braemer, en septembre-octobre 2009. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED, Damas. (Submitted)W
Wagner, Carlos Gonzales (2010) Una reinterpretación del término Qarthadasht. Carthage et les autochtones de son empire du temps de Zama: hommage à Mhamed Hassine Fantar: colloque international organisé à Siliana et Tunis du 10 au 13 mars 2004 . pp. 61-64. ISSN 9789973912732
Archaeology articles added in 2009F
Feugère, Michel (2009) Celtic Regionalities: personal ornaments from Southern Gaul. Keltske Študije II. Studies in Celtic Archaeology, 2 . pp. 185-196.
Feugère, Michel (2009) Figuratives: nouvelles formes de fibules skeuomorphes, antropomorphes et zoomorphes d’époque romaine. Bulletin Instrumentum (30). pp. 34-38.
Feugère, Michel (2009) Métiers à tisser antiques d'Asie mineure. Bulletin Instrumentum (30). pp. 22-24.
Micu, Cristian and Carozza, Laurent and Carozza, Jean-Michel and Mihail, FlorianJugănaru , Gabriel (2009) Observations sur l'habitat néoénéolithique dans le delta du Danube. In medias res praehistoriae. Miscellanea in honorem annos LXV peragentis Professoris Dan Monah oblata . pp. 317-336.Archaeology articles added in 2008A
Andreescu, Radian-Romus and Mirea, Pavel (2008) Teleorman Valley. The beginning of the Neolithic in Southern Romania. Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal, Proceedings of the International Colloquium:The Carpathian Basin and its Role in the Neolithisation of the Balkan Peninsula, VII . pp. 57-75. ISSN 1583-1817
Beldiman, Corneliu and Sztancs, Diana-Maria (2008) Paléotechnologie et néolithisation dans la partie sud de la Transylvanie, Roumanie: l'industrie des matières dures animales de la culture Starčevo-Criş dans le site de Miercurea Sibiului-"Petriş", dép. de Sibiu. Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal, Proceedings of the International Colloquium:The Carpathian Basin and its Role in the Neolithisation of the Balkan Peninsula, VII . pp. 77-90. ISSN 1583-1817
Buzea, Dan and Cotruţă, Mirela and Briewig, Björn (2008) Experimental Archaeology. The construction of a fire installation (hearth) on the model of those discovered at Păuleni Ciuc – Ciomortan "Dâmbul Cetăţii", Harghita County. Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal, Proceedings of the International Colloquium:The Carpathian Basin and its Role in the Neolithisation of the Balkan Peninsula, VII . pp. 217-232. ISSN 1583-1817
El Susi, Georgeta (2008) The comparative analyze of faunal samples from Sites dated in Starčevo-Körös-Criş Culture – phases IB-IIA from Transylvania and Banat. Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal, Proceedings of the 7th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology, Special number (Bibliotheca Septemcastrensis, XVII), VII . pp. 91-106. ISSN 1583-1817
Kaczanowska, Małgorzata and Kozłowski, Janusz K. (2008) The Körös and the early Eastern Linear Culture in the northern part of the Carpathian basin: a view from the perspective of lithic industries. Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal, Proceedings of the International Colloquium:The Carpathian Basin and its Role in the Neolithisation of the Balkan Peninsula, VII . pp. 9-37. ISSN 1583-1817
Luca, Sabin Adrian (2008) Proceedings of the International Colloquium:The Carpathian Basin and its Role in the Neolithisation of the Balkan Peninsula. Foreword. Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal, Proceedings of the International Colloquium:The Carpathian Basin and its Role in the Neolithisation of the Balkan Peninsula, VII . ISSN 1583-1817
Luca, Sabin Adrian and Suciu, Cosmin (2008) Migrations and local evolution in the Early Neolithic of Transylvania. The typological-stylistic analysis and the radiocarbon data. Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal, Proceedings of the 7th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology, Special number (Bibliotheca Septemcastrensis, XVII), VII . pp. 39-56. ISSN 1583-1817
Marton, Tibor (2008) Development of pottery style on the LBK settlement of Balatonszárszó–Kis-Erdei-Dűlő in Hungary. Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal, Proceedings of the International Colloquium:The Carpathian Basin and its Role in the Neolithisation of the Balkan Peninsula, VII . pp. 197-216. ISSN 1583-1817
Merlini, Marco and Lazarovici, Gheorghe (2008) Settling discovery circumstances, dating and utilization of the Tărtăria tablets. Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal, Proceedings of the International Colloquium:The Carpathian Basin and its Role in the Neolithisation of the Balkan Peninsula, VII . pp. 111-195. ISSN 1583-1817
Ursulescu, Nicolae (2008) Le "Modèle Enkidu" et le concept de "Révolution" Néolithique. Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal, Proceedings of the International Colloquium:The Carpathian Basin and its Role in the Neolithisation of the Balkan Peninsula, VII . pp. 107-110. ISSN 1583-1817Archaeology articles added in 2007A
Alföldy-Găzdac, Ágnes and Pánczél, Szilamér and Vass, Lóránt and Găzdac, Cristian and Bajusz, István and Gudea, Nicolae (2007) Project "Necropolis Porolissensis". Methods and perspectives. Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal, Proceedings of the 7th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology, Special number (Bibliotheca Septemcastrensis, XVII), VI (1). pp. 9-17. ISSN 1583-1817
Atanasov, Georgi (2007) Anneau d'or camee provenant de la tombe des martyrs de Durostorum du début du IV s. Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal. Proceedings of the 8th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology. Funerary Practices in Europe, before and after the Roman Conquest (3rd century BC-3rd century AD), VI (1). pp. 19-22. ISSN 1583-1817
Betrò, Marilina and Imboden, Silvano and Gori, Roberto (2007) Volti per le mummie. La ricostruzione facciale tridimensionale assistita dal calcolatore applicata alle mummie dell'antico Egitto. In: UT NATURA ARS. Virtual Reality e archeologia. Studi e Scavi (22). University Press Bologna, Imola, pp. 91-96. ISBN 88-86946-80-5
Bochnak, Tomasz (2007) Les enclos quadrangulaire en Pologna IVe siècle avant J.C.-IIe siècle après J.C. Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal. Proceedings of the 8th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology. Funerary Practices in Europe, before and after the Roman Conquest (3rd century BC-3rd century AD), VI (1). pp. 23-40. ISSN 1583-1817
Bouzek, Jan and Domaradzka, Lidia (2007) Tradition of ethnic identity in the funeral rites during the history of the roman empire: the case of Thrace. Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal. Proceedings of the 8th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology. Funerary Practices in Europe, before and after the Roman Conquest (3rd century BC-3rd century AD), VI (1). pp. 43-48. ISSN 1583-1817
Caggiano, Sonia (2007) Bibliografia ragionata sull'archeologia virtuale. In: UT NATURA ARS. Virtual Reality e archeologia. Studi e Scavi (22). University Press Bologna, Imola, pp. 135-143. ISBN 88-86946-80-5
Cauliez, J. and Blaise, E. and Desse-Berset, N. and Desse, J. and Cade, C. and Durrenmath, G.Gilabert, C. and Martin, S. and Vella, C. (2007) Paysage et implantations du Néolithique final à l'âge du Bronze ancien au Collet-Redon (Martigues, Bouches-du-Rhône). In: Paysages et peuplements : aspects culturels et chronologie en France méridionale, actualité de la recherche. Actes des VIèmes Rencontres Méridionales de Préhistoire Récente, 14-16 Oct 2004, Périgueux, France.
Cánovas, A. and Carmona, S. and Rivera, R. (2007) Las pinturas almohades del Palacio de Orive (Córdoba, España). Circulación de temas y sistemas decorativos en la pintura mural antigua. Actas del IX Congreso Internacional de la Association Internationale pour la Peinture Murale Antique, Zaragoza - Calatayud, 21 –25 septiembre 2004 . pp. 491-494.
Cánovas Ubera, A. (2007) Las pinturas romanas procedentes de la avda. del Gran Capitán, 5 (Córdoba). Circulación de temas y sistemas decorativos en la pintura mural antigua Actas del IX Congreso Internacional de la Association Internationale pour la Peinture Murale Antique, Zaragoza – Calatayud, 21 –25 septiembre 2004 . pp. 241-246.
Cánovas Ubera, A. and Guiral Pelegrín, C. (2007) Las Musas de Gades (Cádiz, España). Circulación de temas y sistemas decorativos en la pintura mural antigua. Actas del IX Congreso Internacional de la Association Internationale pour la Peinture Murale Antique, Zaragoza - Calatayud, 21 –25 septiembre 2004 . pp. 487-490.
Coralini, Antonella and Vecchietti, Erika (2007) L'archeologia attraverso un 3D virtual model. In: UT NATURA ARS. Virtual Reality e archeologia. Studi e Scavi (22). University Press Bologna, Imola, pp. 17-39. ISBN 88-86946-80-5
Damian, Paul and Simion, Mihaela (2007) Funerary practices in the necropolises belonging to the ancient communities at Alburnus Maior. Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal. Proceedings of the 8th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology. Funerary Practices in Europe, before and after the Roman Conquest (3rd century BC-3rd century AD), VI (1). pp. 141-153. ISSN 1583-1817
El Susi, Georgeta (2007) Archaeozoological records about domestic species farmed by Early Neolithical Communities from Banat and Transilvania. Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal, VI . pp. 25-51. ISSN 1583-1817
Favaretto, Irene and Soccal, Eva and Bianco, Maria Luisa (2007) Nuove proposte per la ricostruzione virtuale di musei antichi: i casi Grimani e Mantova Benavides. In: UT NATURA ARS. Virtual Reality e archeologia. Studi e Scavi . University Press Bologna, Imola, pp. 123-134. ISBN 88-86946-80-5
Ferencz, Iosif Vasile (2007) La Tène C1 Funerary Discoveries on the Middle Mureş Course. Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal. Proceedings of the 8th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology. Funerary Practices in Europe, before and after the Roman Conquest (3rd century BC-3rd century AD), VI (1). pp. 49-55. ISSN 1583-1817
Feugère, Michel (2007) Cultes domestiques en Languedoc préromain: magie ou religon? EPHESIA GRAMMATA (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1858-5896
Forte, Maurizio and Kay, Stephen (2007) Telerilevamento e ricostruzione virtuale di un territorio archeologico: nuovi sviluppi del Progetto Aksum. In: UT NATURA ARS. Virtual Reality e archeologia. Studi e Scavi (22). University Press Bologna, Imola, pp. 97-106. ISBN 88-86946-80-5
Frischer, Bernard (2007) Il Cultural Virtual Reality Laboratory: storia, missione, progetti. In: UT NATURA ARS. Virtual Reality e archeologia. Studi e Scavi (22). University Press Bologna, Imola, pp. 53-58. ISBN 88-86946-80-5
Gaiani, Marco and Gamberini, Enrico and Tonelli, Gabriele and Bonfigli, Maria Elena and Calori, Luigi and Guidazzoli, Antonella and Brunelli, Davide and Farella, Elisabetta and Benini, LucaRiccò, Bruno (2007) Realtà virtuale come strumento di lavoro per il restauro architettonico e archeologico: il 3D Virtual GIS 'La Via Appia antica'. In: UT NATURA ARS. Virtual Reality e archeologia. Studi e Scavi (22). University Press Bologna, Imola, pp. 107-114. ISBN 88-86946-80-5
Gergova, Diana (2007) The eternity of the Burial Rite. The throne and the sitting Deceased. Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal, Proceedings of the 7th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology, Special number (Bibliotheca Septemcastrensis, XVII), V (1). pp. 51-61. ISSN 1583-1817
Guidazzoli, Antonella (2007) L'esperienza del CINECA nel campo della Virtual Archaeology. In: UT NATURA ARS. Virtual Reality e archeologia. Studi e Scavi (22). University Press Bologna, Imola, pp. 81-89. ISBN 88-86946-80-5
Guzzo, Pietro Giovanni (2007) UT NATURA ARS. In: Due pomeriggi di approfondimento sulla realtà virtuale per i Beni Culturali. 'Virtual Reality' e archeologia. Cultura:la via da ICT a UCT (Universal Convergence Technologies), 14-15 May 2007, Bologna, Italy. (Unpublished)
Guzzo, Pietro Giovanni and Liverani, Paolo (2007) La Virtual Archaeology e le istituzioni per la tutela e la fruizione. In: UT NATURA ARS. Virtual Reality e archeologia. Studi e Scavi (22). University Press Bologna, Imola, pp. 11-15. ISBN 88-86946-80-5
Luca, Sabin Adrian and Diaconescu, Dragoş and Georgescu, Adrian and Suciu, Cosmin (2007) Archaeological researches at Miercurea Sibiului-Petriş (Sibiu County, Romania) The campaigns from 1997 to 2005. Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal, VI . pp. 7-23. ISSN 1583-1817
Merlini, Marco (2007) A semiotic matrix to distinguish between decorations and signs of writing employed by the Danube Civilization. Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal, VI . pp. 73-130. ISSN 1583-1817
Minchev, Alexander (2007) Funerary practices and grave types of 2nd-3d C. AD in the roman cemeteries of Marcianopolis (Devnya, Bulgaria). Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal. Proceedings of the 8th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology. Funerary Practices in Europe, before and after the Roman Conquest (3rd century BC-3rd century AD), VI (1). pp. 57-69. ISSN 1583-1817
Niculiţă, Ion (2007) Contributions made to the study of the burial rite performed by the communities inhabiting East of the Carpathians in the 3rd C. B.C. - 3rd C. A.D. Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal. Proceedings of the 8th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology. Funerary Practices in Europe, before and after the Roman Conquest (3rd century BC-3rd century AD), VI (1). pp. 71-73. ISSN 1583-1817
Oţa, Liana (2007) Busta in Moesia Inferior. Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal. Proceedings of the 8th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology. Funerary Practices in Europe, before and after the Roman Conquest (3rd century BC-3rd century AD), VI (1). pp. 75-99. ISSN 1583-1817
Pescarin, Sofia and Forte, Maurizio and Guidazzoli, Antonella and Mauri, Massimo and Bonfigli, Maria Elena (2007) Bologna in età romana dal GIS alla realtà virtuale. In: UT NATURA ARS. Virtual Reality e archeologia. Studi e Scavi . University Press Bologna, Imola, pp. 115-122. ISBN 88-86946-80-5
Petrova, Viktoria (2007) Ceramic assemblage of the late Chalcolithic Karanovo VI Culture in Thrace: phases I and II. Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal, VI . pp. 53-72. ISSN 1583-1817
Raptopoulos, Sotiris Y. and Tsaravopoulos, Aris and Fragou, Gely (2007) Three Monumental Tombs from Western Locris and Aitolia (Central Greece) (Late Classical/Early Hellenistic-Roman Imperial periods). Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal. Proceedings of the 8th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology. Funerary Practices in Europe, before and after the Roman Conquest (3rd century BC-3rd century AD), VI (1). pp. 101-110. ISSN 1583-1817
Salmon Cinotti, Tullio and Roffia, Luca and Mincolelli, Giuseppe and Sforza, Fabio and Malvasi, Maurizio (2007) L'archeologia virtuale e la fruizione sui siti archeologici: il progetto MUSE. In: UT NATURA ARS. Virtual Reality e archeologia. Studi e Scavi (22). University Press Bologna, Imola, pp. 41-51. ISBN 88-86946-80-5
Sankot, Pavel (2007) Le rite funéraire de nécropoles laténiennes en Bohême. Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal. Proceedings of the 8th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology. Funerary Practices in Europe, before and after the Roman Conquest (3rd century BC-3rd century AD), VI (1). pp. 111-120. ISSN 1583-1817
Sîrbu, Valeriu and Luca, Sabin Adrian and Roman, Cristian (2007) Tombs of Dacian warriors (2nd-1st C. BC) found in Hunedoara-Grădina Castelului (Hunedoara County). Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal. Proceedings of the 8th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology. Funerary Practices in Europe, before and after the Roman Conquest (3rd century BC-3rd century AD), VI (1). pp. 155-177. ISSN 1583-1817
Schwartz, Joshua (2007) Issues in Reconstructing a Site for Which Archaeological Evidence is Lacking: The Second Temple in Jerusalem (Herodian Phase). In: UT NATURA ARS. Virtual Reality e archeologia. Studi e Scavi (22). University Press Bologna, Imola, pp. 59-69. ISBN 88-86946-80-5
Sekulov, Vane P. and Jovanov, Marjan (2007) Graves with round stone wreaths from the roman imperial period in eastern Macedonia. Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal. Proceedings of the 8th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology. Funerary Practices in Europe, before and after the Roman Conquest (3rd century BC-3rd century AD), VI (1). pp. 121-140. ISSN 1583-1817
Sonoc, Alexandru Gh. (2007) Einige Bemerkungen Bezuglich der Metallsarkophage (mit besonderer rucksicht auf denjenigen aus Romerzeitlichen Dakien). Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal, VI . pp. 131-151. ISSN 1583-1817
Sonoc, Alexandru Gh. (2007) Gräberlose toten, totenlose Gräber. Einige Betrachtungen zur Frage der Kenotaphen aus den Provinzkialrömischen Gräberfelder aus Dakien. Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal, Proceedings of the 7th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology, Special number (Bibliotheca Septemcastrensis, XVII), VI (1). pp. 179-197. ISSN 1583-1817
Stinson, Philip (2007) Technical and Methodological Problems in Digital Reconstructions of Archaeological Sites: the Studiolo in the House of Augustus and cubiculum 16 in the Villa of the Mysteries. In: UT NATURA ARS. Virtual Reality e archeologia. Studi e Scavi (22). University Press Bologna, Imola, pp. 71-79. ISBN 88-86946-80-5
Ţiplic, Maria-Emilia and White, Martin (2007) A Virtual Reconstruction of the Two Romanic Churches from South of Transylvania Case studies at Cisnădioara and Şura Mică Churches. Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal, VI . pp. 153-171. ISSN 1583-1817
Zotović, Radmila (2007) Social and Cultural Aspects of the Burial "Krajčinovići-Slana voda" (south-west of Serbia, middle of II c. B). Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis Journal. Proceedings of the 8th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology. Funerary Practices in Europe, before and after the Roman Conquest (3rd century BC-3rd century AD), VI (1). pp. 199-205. ISSN 1583-1817
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