Just a quick note for those that might be searching. I’m working on an essay on why deification in the Eastern tradition can’t be absorption, and I’m doing a section on the essence-energies distinction. Gregory Palamas is the guy to discuss on that, so I was looking up stuff on him. John Meyendorff’s A Study of Gregory Palamas is great, but he had this footnote to a work (Cap. phys. 78) without a list to tell what the work was to. I knew Palamas has a work entitled The One Hundred and Fifty Chapters (often noted as Capita), but I couldn’t find any connection to Cap. phys. in any indexes. So I went and pulled up PG (you can find them online through Google Books through this listing http://graeca.patristica.net/), and found my answer. The full title of the 150 Chapters is this: Capita CL, physica, theologica, moralia, et practica. So Gregory’s Cap. phys. does refer to the 150 Chapters.