On learning that eminent archaeologist Lord Renfrew of Kaimsthorn currently chairs the Treasure Act's valuation committee, coin dealers' paid lobbyist Peter Tompa ('If It's Good Enough for Lord Renfrew...') deduces:
On learning that eminent archaeologist Lord Renfrew of Kaimsthorn currently chairs the Treasure Act's valuation committee, coin dealers' paid lobbyist Peter Tompa ('If It's Good Enough for Lord Renfrew...') deduces:
Lord Renfrew's engagement with the Treasure Act reflects the fact that archaeologists in the UK have largely made peace with metal detectorists. Yet, vehement critics of the Treasure Act and Portable Antiquities Scheme remain within the archaeological community, though mostly in the United States and Poland, apparently. Perhaps they should mind their own business.Peter Tompa seems to regard the Treasure act as a "metal detectorists' Act". Nothing could be further from the truth. If he were to be a bit more "Observant" than he is, he'd see that what is happening on metal detecting forums in the UK and in particular what is happening in Scotland shows that vesting legislation such as the Treasure Act is very much resented by certain groups of British metal detectorists. Peter Tompa claims to campaign for "collectors' rights" (though is actually paid to do so by an international dealers' association) - but the rights he is concerned about are those of American artefact collectors, not their European counterparts. In fact, Mr Tompa thinks that metal detecting should be regulated.