[First posted in AWOL 1 August 2011. Updated 18 March 2012]
Parekbolai. An Electronic Journal for Byzantine Literature
ISSN: 2241-0228
Parekbolai. An Electronic Journal for Byzantine Literature
ISSN: 2241-0228
PAREKBOLAI is an electronic journal, which is published yearly by an Editorial Committee of Byzantinists of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. The name is inseparably linked with the well-known Commentaries of Eustathius of Thessalonica, and was chosen as a sign of both the journal’s association with the University of Thessaloniki as host institution and its subject matter.The journal publishes original articles on Byzantine Literature and Philology as well as related text-based studies covering the period from the 4th to the 15th centuries in English, French, German, Greek, and Italian. All articles submitted will be peer-reviewed by two members of the journal’s International Editorial Advisory Board, and once approved will be uploaded immediately as pdf files, which will be created by the Editors in consultation with the authors.
Vol 2 (2012)
Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations Abstract PDF Editorial Team i-iv
Epistolography as Autobiography: Remarks on the Letter-Collections of Nikephoros Choumnos Abstract PDF Alexander Riehle 1-22
Φιλολογικές παρατηρήσεις σε ένα ανώνυμο υπόμνημα στις Κατηγορίες του Αριστοτέλη Abstract PDF Ioannis Polemis 23-26
Vol 1 (2011)
Table of Contents
Abbreviations Abstract PDF i-iii
A Rediscovered Greek Fragment of Severus of Antioch Abstract PDF Geoffrey Greatrex 1-6
A Survey of Tenth-Century Homiletic Literature Abstract PDF Theodora Antonopoulou 7-36
Zur Entstehung der Rede des Manuel II. Palaiologos auf die Heilige Maria von Ägypten [BHG 1044c] Abstract PDF Eleni Kaltsogianni 37-59
Kopist vs. Verfasser: Zur Interpunktion im Codex Vatic. gr. 1889 (13. Jh.) Abstract PDF Raimondo Tocci 61-86
Literary Recants of a Tenth-Century Scholar: The Case of Ioannis Kaminiates Abstract PDF Georgios Tsiaples 87-95
Léon Bardalès: Sa vie et son œuvre Abstract PDF Ilias Taxidis 97-113
Scholarly Friendship in the Thirteenth Century: Patriarch Gregorios II Kyprios and Theodora Raoulaina Abstract PDF Sofia Kotzabassi 115-170
Aristoteles aus dritter Hand. Die Parekbolai aus der Philosophia des Georgios Pachymeres Abstract PDF Dieter Harlfinger 171-186
Initia Carminum Byzantinorum: Supplementum I Abstract PDF Ioannis Vassis 187-285
Parekbolaia palaiographika Abstract PDF Dieter Harlfinger 287-296