The Classical Review 62.1:
Papyri from Herculaneum
(A.) Antoni, (G.) Arrighetti, (M.I.) Bertagna, (D.) Delattre (edd.) Miscellanea Papyrologica Herculanensia. Volumen I. (Biblioteca di Studi Antichi 93.) Pp. 335, ills. Pisa and Rome: Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2010. Paper, €145 (Cased, €290). ISBN: 978-88-6227-185-1 (978-88-6227-212-4 hbk).
Reviewed by Simon Trépanier
Papyri from Herculaneum
(A.) Antoni, (G.) Arrighetti, (M.I.) Bertagna, (D.) Delattre (edd.) Miscellanea Papyrologica Herculanensia. Volumen I. (Biblioteca di Studi Antichi 93.) Pp. 335, ills. Pisa and Rome: Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2010. Paper, €145 (Cased, €290). ISBN: 978-88-6227-185-1 (978-88-6227-212-4 hbk).
Reviewed by Simon Trépanier