Seen on the Classicists list:
A reminder that the deadline for submission of abstracts for this call is
March 31st 2012.September 6th – 8th, 2012, University of Glasgow, UK: ‘The Legacy of the
Roman Republican Senate’Republican Rome has been a powerful and contested constitutional model in
the western political tradition. But the Senate is a relatively neglected
element in the model. This symposium, supported financially by the British
Academy, will explore the roles that the Senate has played in the
development of politics, political culture and constitutional theory since
the end of the Roman Republic.Papers on any aspect of the use, abuse and analysis of the Republican Senate
from the Roman Empire onwards are welcome. Particular areas of interest may
include the role of the Republican Senate in early modern and modern
political theory; the emergence of distinctive thinking regarding
two-chamber legislatures and the extent to which these reflected awareness
of Roman precendents; reference to Roman ideals in the responses to both the
American and the French Revolutions; the use in these Revolutions of visual
symbolism derived from the Roman Senate; and the development of new
vernacular vocabularies to re-evaluate and apply political concepts derived
from the classical Latin of the Roman Senate.Keynote speakers include Dean Hammer (Franklin and Marshall College), Thomas
Munck (University of Glasgow), Carl Richard (University of Louisiana at
Lafayette) and Matthew Roller (Johns Hopkins University).Abstracts (350 words max) for 30 minute papers should be sent to the
organiser, Catherine Steel (catherine.steel @ by March 31st 2012.