Penn Museum has done archaeological research in Southeast Asia for the past 45 years. I have been lucky to work as an archaeological illustrator for one of the Penn projects, the Ban Chiang Project, since I was a grad student in the Penn Fine Arts School in 1990. Over the years I took on web duties and most recently put together a video interview of my boss, Dr. Joyce White, Associate Curator of the Asian Section of the Penn Museum. Dr. White was asked to provide a brief video on her experiences with Penn’s Luce Program for Asian Archaeology for use by the Luce Foundation.
In the video we used archival images from past Penn excavations in Thailand, as well as recent still images from Laos and the Museum, plus footage filmed by Amy Ellsworth when she visited the Middle Mekong Archaeological Project (MMAP) in 2010 in Luang Prabang, Laos. Read Amy’s 2010 Blog.
This video will be combined with those from other institutions receiving Luce grants for Southeast Asian archaeology (Universities of Hawaii, Washington, and Illinois), and will be used for PR purposes by the Luce Foundation.
It was a bit of a rush job and turns out, it was my first stab at putting together a short interview of this sort. But I was up for the challenge.