[First posted in AWOL 2 November 2009. Updated 21 March 2012]
Digressus : The Internet Journal for the Classical World
ISSN 1475-9578
Digressus : The Internet Journal for the Classical World
ISSN 1475-9578
Digressus, a fully refereed online journal formed by a consortium of postgraduates at the universities of Nottingham and Birmingham, UK, seeks primarily to give postgraduates interested in Classical Studies the opportunity to begin publishing.We are in contact with postgraduates and representative scholars in the United Kingdom, Italy, the United States and Canada.Digressus is indexed by Gnomon and APh. Articles and reviews are also available from EBSCO Publishing (forthcoming 2012).To submit an article or review, see our submissions page.To advertise a conference on Digressus, see our conferences page.For further information email us.
Digressus – Volume 11 (2011)
Article: Schmitz, Michael, "Dacian Military Equipment and Technology".1-30 Review: D. Mulroy (trans.), Sophocles, Oedipus Rex. Reviewed by Elpida-Sophia Christianaki.31-35 Review: P. Johsnon (2008), Ovid Before Exile. Art and Punishment in the Metamorphoses. Wisconsin Studies in Classics. Reviewed by Ioannis Ziogas.36-38 Review: M. Blandenet, C. Chillet and C. Courrier (2010), Figures de l'indentité Naissance et destin des modèles commmunautaires dans le monde romain. Reviewed by James H. Dahlinger.39-41 Review: S. Butler (2011), The Matter of the Page: Essays in Search of Ancient and Medieval Authors. Reviewed by Richard Fletcher.42-50 Article: Kelly, Caroline, "Greek Piety in a Roman Context: Aelius Aristides's Panathenaic Oration."51-73 Article: Manuello, Patrick, "La trattazione del mito argonautico nella Pitica IV e in Apollonio Rodio."74-152
Digressus – Volume 10 (2010)
Article:Papadodima, Efi, "The Greek/Barbarian Interaction in Euripides' Andromache, Orestes, Heracleidae
A Reassessment of Greek Attitudes to Foreigners"1-42 Review:Vickers, Michael, Sophocles and Alcibiades: Athenian Politics in Ancient Greek Literature. Stocksfield: Acumen (2008). Reviewed by T. V. Buttrey.43-49 Article: Reina Pereirag, "Orquídeas: Ensaio sobre a Intimidadena Antiguidade Clássica"50-96
Digressus – Volume 8 (2008)
Review:Theresa Urbainczyck, Slave Revolts in Antiquity. Stocksfield: Acumen (2008). Reviewed by Saskia Roselaar.33-38 Article: de Haas, Tymon C.A. (Groningen), Comparing settlement histories in the Pontine Region (southern Lazio, central Italy): surveys in the coastal landscape near Nettuno.1-32
Digressus – Volume 7 (2007)
Review: Ardle Mac Mahon and Jennifer Price, eds. (2005). Roman Working Lives and Urban Living. Reviewed by Katherine S Tipton (University of Newcastle upon Tyne)1-7 Review: P. Galveth (2006). Υπατία· Η γυναίκα που αγάπησε την επιστήμη. (Hypatia: The Woman Who Loved Science.) Reviewed by Maria Vaiou (Sabanci University, Istanbul)8-13 Review: Christopher Francese. Ancient Rome In So Many Words. New York: Hippocrene Books (2007). Reviewed by Patrick Hunt (Stanford University)14-18
Digressus – Volume 6 (2006)
Review: Ann Raia, Cecelia Luschnig, Judith Lynn Sebesta (2005). Worlds ofRoman Women. Reviewed by Ortwin Knorr (Willamette University)1-5 Review: Erin Shanower (2004). Age of Bronze Volume 2: Sacrifice. Reviewed by Thomas E. Jenkins (Trinity University)6-9 Review: Susan O. Shapiro (2005). O tempora! O mores! Cicero’s Catilinarian Orations. A Student edition with historical essays. Reviewed by Cristina Rosillo López (Universidad del País Vasco) English version15-19 Review: Susan O. Shapiro (2005). O tempora! O mores! Cicero’s Catilinarian Orations. A Student edition with historical essays. Reviewed by Cristina Rosillo López (Universidad del País Vasco) Spanish version10-14
Digressus – Volume 5 (2005)
Review: Charles Matson Odahl (2004). Constantine and the Christian Empire. Reviewed by Roberto Chiappiniello (Manchester)1-4 Digressus – Volume 4 (2004)
Graham Wheeler (Cambridge). Battlefield Ephiphanies in Ancient Greece: A Survey1-14
Digressus – Supplement 1 'Romanization'? (2003)
Merryweather, Andrew D. (Sydney) & Prag, Jonathan R.W., (UCL) Preface'5-6 Crawley Quinn, Josephine, (UC, Berkeley) Roman Africa?7-34 Roth, Roman Ernst, (Cambridge) Towards a ceramic approach to social identity in the Roman world: some theoretical considerations35-45 Berrendonner, C., (Paris I) La romanisation de Volterra: 'a case of mostly negotiated incorporation, that leaves the basic social and cultural structure intact?' (N. Terrenato, in Italy and the West, Oxford, 2001)46-59 Burns, Michael T., (UCL) The Homogenisation of Military Equipment Under the Roman Republic (Note: this pdf is 2 megabytes)60-85 Raja, Rubina, (Oxford) Urban development and built identities. The case of Aphrodisias in Caria in the late republican period86-98 Franklin, Claire, (Reading) To what extent did Posidonius and Theophanes record Pompeian ideology?99-110 Hingley, Richard, (Durham) Recreating coherence without reinventing Romanization111-119 Download entire volume (Note: this pdf is 3 megabytes)
Digressus – Volume 3 (2003)
Review: Ittai Gradel (2002). Emperor Worship and Roman Religion. Reviewed by Graham Wheeler (Cambridge)1-4 Review: K. Jenkins (2003). Refiguring History. New Thoughts on an Old Discipline. Reviewed by Ulrike Roth (Nottingham)5-10
Digressus – Volume 2 (2002)
Review: Bruce Lincoln (1999). Theorizing Myth. Reviewed by Graham Wheeler (Cambridge)1-3 Review: Miroslav Marcovich (2001). Eustathius Macrembolites: De Hysmines et Hysminiae amoribus libri XI. Reviewed by Andreas Rhoby (Irvine)4-7 Merryweather, Andrew D. (Sydney) & Prag, Jonathan R.W., (UCL) 'Romanization'? or, Why Flog a Dead Horse?8-10
Digressus – Volume 1 (2001)
Review: Jonathan Roth (1998). The Logistics of the Roman Army at War (264 B.C. - A.D. 235). Reviewed by James Thorne (Manchester)1-3 Review: Alan Kaiser (2000). The Urban Dialogue. An Analysis of the Use of Space in the Roman City of Empúries, Spain. Reviewed by Penny Goodman (Christ Church, Oxford)4-7 Luschnig, Celia, (Idaho) Medea in Corinth: Political Aspects of Euripides' Medea8-28 Review: Benedetto Marzullo (2000). Scripta Minora I and II. (Spudasmata, 77). Reviewed by Alan Sommerstein (CADRE, Nottingham)29-30
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