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The British Institute for the Study of Iraq Books Online

[First posted in AWOL 9 April 2013, updated February 5 2014 (Ivories from Nimrud and other volumes added]

The British Institute for the Study of Iraq Books Online
Seventeen of BISI's books are now available for free download from these pages. All volumes on Nimrud, including Cuneiform Texts from Nimrud vols. 1-5 and Ivories from Nimrud 1-5, as well as other publications, were digitised for us by the AHRC-funded Nimrud project.

Eventually, all new BISI publications will be made available here as pdfs for free download. Our full backlist of publications will also be posted here as pdfs as time permits.

Read the full list of  BISI/BSAI fieldwork reports and publications, dating from 1935 - 2012.
Terms of Use: These pdfs are only to be distributed from the BISI’s website. Individuals, libraries, institutions, and others may download one complimentary copy for their own personal use. © The British Institute for the Study of Iraq. Links to the Institute’s website are welcomed.
At the moment, the following 17 books are available for download:
Cuneiform Texts from Nimrud
The Nimrud Wine Lists J.V. Kinnier Wilson 1972
The Governor’s Palace Archive J.N. Postgate 1973
The Tablets from Fort Shalmaneser S. Dalley & J.N. Postgate 1984
Literary Texts from the Temple of Nabû D.J. Wiseman & J.A. Black 1996
The Nimrud Letters, 1952 H.W.F. Saggs 2001

Ivories from Nimrud

Title Author Year
Equestrian Bridle-Harness Ornaments: Catalogue & Plates J.J. Orchard 1967
Ivories in the Assyrian Style M.E.L. Mallowan & L.G. Davies 1970
Furniture from SW 7, Fort Shalmaneser M.E.L. Mallowan & G. Herrmann 1974
Ivories from Room SW 37, Fort Shalmaneser, part I G. Herrmann 1986
Ivories from Room SW 37, Fort Shalmaneser, part 2 G. Herrmann 1986

Ivories from the North West Palace (1845-1992) G. Herrmann, S. Laidlaw & H. Coffey 2009

Other Publications
Title Author Editor Year
The Old Babylonian Tablets from Tell al Rimah S.M. Dalley, C.B.F. Walker and J.D. Hawkins
Fifty Years of Mesopotamian Discovery: The Work of the British School of Archaeology in Iraq, 1932-1982
J. Curtis 1982
The Middle Babylonian Legal and Economic Texts from Ur O.R. Gurney
Nimrud: An Assyrian Imperial City Revealed David and Joan Oates
The Published Ivories from Fort Shalmaneser, Nimrud G. Herrmann, S. Laidlaw & H. Coffey

New Light on Nimrud: Proceedings of the Nimrud Conference 11th-13th March 2002
J.E. Curtis, H. McCall, D. Collon and L. al-Gailani Werr 2008

Your Praise is Sweet - A Memorial Volume for Jeremy Black from Students, Colleagues and Friends
Heather D. Baker, Eleanor Robson and Gábor Zólyomi 2011


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