John Hooker has performed the following analysis of the 338 comments posted on the website in response to the State Department's invitation to comment on the proposed renewal of the MOU with Cyprus:
The following results are rounded to 1% and are accurate to within 0.5%
Against the renewal of the MoU: 77%
For the renewal: 20%
This breaks down over the coin issue thus:
Those against the renewal that mentioned coins: 71%
Those against the renewal that did not mention coins: 6%
Those for the renewal that mentioned coins: 8%
Those for the renewal that did not mention coins: 12%
Inappropriate responses (6 people thought they were responding to a Peru MoU, one to the Bulgarian MoU): 3%
The following results are rounded to 1% and are accurate to within 0.5%
Against the renewal of the MoU: 77%
For the renewal: 20%
This breaks down over the coin issue thus:
Those against the renewal that mentioned coins: 71%
Those against the renewal that did not mention coins: 6%
Those for the renewal that mentioned coins: 8%
Those for the renewal that did not mention coins: 12%
Inappropriate responses (6 people thought they were responding to a Peru MoU, one to the Bulgarian MoU): 3%