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Free access to Journal of Field Archaeology


I just got an email from Jennifer Agar at Maney Publishing, publishers of the Journal of Field Archaeology. They are making 3 years of the journal free to download until May 15th (see the text of her message below). JFA is one of my favorite journals. They publish good archaeological data, with high-quality graphics. They are always quibbling over the artwork, insisting on improvements. Years ago, I wrote the editor to express my appreciation for their high standards on graphics. I said that authors always grumble and complain about having to re-do maps and figures, but the result is worth it, and very beneficial to the discipline. He liked the letter and asked if I would mind if they published it as a "Letter to the editor."

And they are still at it. This morning I got word from them on a paper I submitted with a bunch of co-authors on our excavations at Calixtlahuaca. Although the reviewers liked the paper and only suggested a few minor changes, there is a long list of graphics changes and improvements that are needed, and the paper won't be considered accepted until those are worked out. What a pain, more work for us. But it is hard to complain too much when the end result will be a better article, which is good for me and my co-authors, better for readers, and better for the profession.

So go take advantage of the offer of free downloads (and maybe check out Maney's other journals, such as the Medieval Archaeology, European Jr. Archy, Industrial Archaeology, and Cochlear Implants International).

Here is the message I got:

Journal of Field Archaeology is Maney Publishing’s Journal of the Month in April 2012. We are making3 years’ worth of online content (that’s twelve issues) free to download until15th May 2012, you can access the content on the Journal of theMonth webpage: http://www.maney.co.uk/jotm/jfa.

If this is of interest, please share it with readersof your Publishing Archaeology Blog and any colleagues you think could find ituseful.

Other highlights include:
·        Video interview withjournal editor Dr Curtis Runnels
·        Spotlight onProfessor Norman Hammond
·        Picture gallery ofrecent excavations featured in the journal
·        Morag Kersel andChristina Luke on Archaeological Heritage and Ethics
·        Meet the editorialteam: Stephanie Simms and Chad DiGregorio
·        Best of the archive:the ten most popular articles in Journal of Field Archaeology
·        Individualsubscribers receive bonus online access in 2012

Best regards,

Jennifer Agar

Maney Publishing, Suite 1C,Joseph’s Well, Hanover Walk, Leeds LS3 1AB, United Kingdom

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