[First posted 1/3/11, updated 6/8/11, updated 12/5/11]
This is a list of Open Access Journals in Middle Eastern Studies collected since we began AMIR on December 5, 2010. It is by no means complete. We welcome your comments and your suggestions of titles to include. Please use the comment feature at the bottom of the page.
392 titles as of December 10, 2011.
This is a list of Open Access Journals in Middle Eastern Studies collected since we began AMIR on December 5, 2010. It is by no means complete. We welcome your comments and your suggestions of titles to include. Please use the comment feature at the bottom of the page.
392 titles as of December 10, 2011.
- A to Z Guide to Afghanistan Assistance
- Abstracta Iranica
- ACOR Newsletter
- ACRL - Asian African and Middle East Section (AAMES) Newsletter
- al-Âdâb
- ADIAS Newsletter: Abu Dhabi Islands Archaeological Survey
- Aestimatio: Critical Reviews in the History of Science
- Afghanistan Research Newsletter
- Africa Italiana
- L'Afrique du Nord illustrée : journal hebdomadaire d'actualités nord-africaines : Algérie, Tunisie, Maroc
- L'Afrique explorée et civilisée
- Ahmadiyya-Journals
- Al-Ahram Weekly
- AIPAC Periodicals
- Al-Akhbar English
- Alam al-Bina
- Al-Andalus Magreb
- Aldébaran: Lire et repérer les sciences humaines sur Internet
- Alternatives : Turkish Journal of International Relations
- American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences
- American Numismatic Society E-News
- American Numismatic Society Magazine
- American Research Center in Egypt E-Newsletter
- Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences
- Anaquel de Estudios Árabes
- Ankara Üniversitesi Ilahiyat Fak. Dergisi - Journal of the Faculty of Divinity of Ankara University
- Annales Islamologiques
- Annali di Ca' Foscari - Serie Orientale
- Annuaire de l’École pratique des hautes études. Section des sciences historiques et philologiques
- Annuaire de l’École pratique des hautes études. Section des sciences religieuses
- Annual of Urdu Studies
- Annual review of Islam in South Africa.
- L’Année du Maghreb
- Annuaire de l’Afrique du Nord [subsequently: L’Année du Maghreb]
- Arab and Near East Plant Protection Newsletter
- Arab Affairs Journal - Sho’oun Arabiyya
- Arab Journal of Plant Protection
- Arab Media and Society (formerly the TBS Journal)
- Arab NGO Network for Development: E-Newsletters
- Arab Reform Bulletin (title changed to Sada)
- Arab Thought Forum Annual Reports
- Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (AJBMR)
- Arab West Report (also in Arabic)
- Arches Quarterly
- Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions
- Archiv orientální
- ArchNet-IJAR
- ARIEL - The Israel Review of Arts and Letters
- ARKAMANI Sudan Journal of Archaeology and Anthropology: An Arabic/English Review on Archaeological and Anthropological Research in the Sudan
- Arkeoloji Dergisi (1991-1999)
- Arkeoloji Sanat Tarihi Dergisi (1982-1992)
- Ars Orientalis
- ArteEast Quarterly Magazine
- Asian and African Studies
- Asiatische Studien: Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Asiengesellschaft = Études asiatiques: revue de la Société Suisse - Asie
- Atalaya sociopolítica de Casa Árabe
- Atatürki Üniversitesi Ilahiyat Fak. Dergisi - Review of the Faculty of Divinity
- Awrak al-awsat / Awrâq al-awsat
- Awraq. Revista de análisis y pensamiento sobre el mundo árabe e islámico contemporáneo
- al-Bardiyyat
- Al Bawaba
- Bibliographie Nationale de Tunisie
- Bidoun Magazine : Art and Culture from the Middle East
- Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde - Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia and Oceania
- Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Dergisi: Hümaniter Bilimler
- Boletín de economía y negocios de Casa Árabe
- British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan BMSAES
- British Muslim Monthly Survey (BMMS)
- The British-Yemeni Society Journal
- Bukhara
- Bulletin critique des Annales islamologiques
- Bulletin de la Société archéologique de Sousse
- Bulletin de la Société de géographie d'Alger et de l'Afrique du Nord
- Bulletin de la Société de géographie et d'archéologie de la province d'Oran
- Bulletin de l’IISMM (Institut d’études de l’Islam et des sociétés du monde musulman)
- Bulletin d'Etudes Orientales
- Bulletin du Centre de Recherche Français de Jérusalem
- Bulletin Fi Rihab El Hiwar
- Bulletin of the Israeli Academic Center in Cairo
- Bulletin of the Jewish Palestine Exploration Society
- Bulletin of the Society for Arabian Studies
- Bulletin of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan
- Bulletin of the Zentrum Moderner Orient
- CAEI Medio Oriente Working Papers
- Cahiers d’Asie centrale
- Cahiers de la Méditerranée
- Cahiers d’Études du Religieux - Recherches interdisciplinaires
- Cahiers d’études sur la Méditerranée orientale et le monde turco-iranien
- Les Cahiers d'orient et d'occident
- The Cairo Review of Global Affairs
- CAMES Newsletter
- CHALLENGE: A Magazine covering the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
- Chroniques du manuscrit au Yémen
- Chroniques yéménites
- CIRS E-Bulletin
- Clio en Afrique
- Collatio
- Collectanea Christiana Orientalia (CCO)
- Comité Bulletins
- Comparative Islamic Studies
- Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Newsletter
- Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East (CSSAAME)
- Comptes-rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres
- Contemporary Islamic Studies
- Contemporary practices : visual arts from the Middle East.
- Coptic Church Review
- Crossroads Asia Working Paper Series
- Current Trends in Islamic Ideology
- CyberOrient: Online Journal of the Virtual Middle East
- Cybrarians Journal
- Da Afghanistan Kalanay
- Democratic Formation in Palestine - General Reports
- Dicle Üniversitesi Ziya Gökalp Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
- Digital Islam: Research on Middle East, Islam and digital media
- Dinbilimleri Dergisi
- Dirâsât yamaniyya - Derasat Yemenia Journal
- Diversities (formerly the International Journal on Multicultural Societies)
- [di.wan]
- DMES-Newsletters
- Documents de travail du CETOBAC
- Documents on the Shaykhi, Babi and Baha'i Movements
- Doing Business in the Arab World
- Égypte/Monde arabe
- The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (EJRS)
- Electronic Journal of Africana Bibliography (EJAB)
- Electronic Journal of Oriental Studies (EJOS)
- e-Makalat Mezhep Araştırmaları Dergisi
- Encuentro Islamo-Cristiano
- Environmental Design: Journal of the Islamic Environmental Design Research Centre
- E-Şarkiyat İlmi Araştırmaları Dergisi
- Estudios de Dialectología Norteafricana y Andalusí (EDNA)
- Estudios Orientales
- Etudes Kurdes: revue semestrielle de recherches (2000-2006)
- Etudes maghrébines = Dirāsāt Maghāribīyah = دراسات مغاربية
- European Journal of Turkish Studies
- Fırat Üniversitesi Ilahiyat Fak. Dergisi - Review of the Faculty of Theology
- GAIR-Mitteilungen
- GIGA Focus Nahost
- Global Media Journal : Turkish Edition
- Hadashot Arkheologiyot – Excavations and Surveys in Israel (HA-ESI)
- Hallesche Beiträge zur Orientwissenschaft
- Harvard Middle Eastern and Islamic Review
- Hawliyyat al-Quds -حوليات القدس
- Hikmet Yurdu Dergisi
- Hira Magazine
- Historians of Islamic Art Association Newsletter
- Historical Kan Periodical
- History Studies: International Journal of History
- Hitit Üniversitesi Ilahiyat Fak. Dergisi
- Hugoye – Journal of Syriac Studies
- IIUC Studies
- Innovatio
- Institut kurde de Paris: Liaison and Information bulletin
- The International Arab Journal of e-Technology (IAJeT)
- Internationale Politik
- International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies
- The International Journal of Humanities of The Islamic Republic of Iran
- International Journal of Language Studies (IJLS)
- International Journal of Modern Anthropology
- International Journal of West Asian Studies
- Iran Nameh - ایران نامه
- Iranian Review of Foreign Affairs (IRFA)
- Iraq Literary Review
- IRCICA Newsletter (Research Center For Islamic History, Art and Culture)
- Islam and Science - Journal of Islamic Perspectives on Science
- İslâm Araştırmaları Dergisi
- İslami Araştırmalar Dergisi - Journal of Islamic Research
- Islamic University of Europe Journal of İslamic Research
- Islamic Law & Law of the Muslim World eJournal
- İslam Hukuku Araştırmaları Dergisi
- Islāmīyat al-maʻrifah - Islâmiyyat al-ma'rifa - إسلامية المعرفة
- İslâmi Araştırmaları - Journal of Islamic Research
- The Islamic Manuscript Association Newsletter
- The Islamic Review
- Islam, Islamism, and Politics in Eurasia Report
- Istanbul Literary Review
- Istanbul Üniversitesi Ilahiyat Fak. Dergisi
- Jadaliyya
- Jadid Online - جدید آنلاین
- Jerusalem Quarterly
- Jewish Studies - an Internet Journal
- Journal asiatique : ou recueil de mémoires, d'extraits et de notices relatifs à l'histoire, etc.
- Journal des Savants
- The Journal for the Study of Sephardic & Mizrahi Jewry
- Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies (JAIS)
- Journal of Arabic Linguistics Tradition (JALT)
- Journal of Asian and African Studies
- The Journal of Bahá'í Studies
- Journal of the Center for Ottoman Studies, Ankara University - OTAM
- Journal of Comparative Cultural Studies in Architecture
- Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs
- Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development
- Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society
- The Journal of Islam in Asia
- Journal of the Islamic Medical Association of North America
- Journal of Jewish Music and Liturgy
- Journal of Kirsehir Education Faculty
- Journal of Linguistic and Literary Studies - Majallat ad-dirâsât al-lughawiyya wal-adabiyya
- Journal of Middle Eastern Geopolitics
- Journal of Modern Turkish Studies
- Journal of Palestine Studies (Majallat ad-dirasat al-filastiniyya)
- Journal of the History of Sufism
- Journal of the International Society of Islamic Medicine (JISHIM)
- Journal of the Iran Society
- Journal of the Islamic Medical Association of North America
- Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
- Jurnal Syariah
- KADER Kelam Araştırmaları Dergisi
- Kalimat Magazine
- al-Karmel
- al-Kashkûl al-musawwar
- Khazar Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (Formerly Journal of Azerbaijani Studies)
- Köprü
- Kurdistans sol
- Kurdish Human Rights Project legal review
- KURI - Journal of the Dom Research Center
- al-Kurrâsât
- イスラーム世界研究 = Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies
- Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives (LTHE)
- Lemar - Aftaab afghanmagazine.com
- Library and Information Research Journal Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (Iran)
- The Light and Islamic Review
- Luxor Times
- Ma'âbir
- Macalester Islam Journal
- Majallat al-aqwâs
- Majallat adh-Dhakhâ'ir
- Majallat Karamati
- Majallat al-akâdîmiyya al-'arabiyya al-maftûha fid-Danmark - The Scientific Journal of Arab Open Academy in Denmark
- Majallat al-majma' (i.e. majma' al-Qâsimî lil-lugha al-'arabiyya)
- Majallat al-majma' al-'ilmî (al-'irâqî)
- Majallat majma' al-lugha al-'arabiyya al-urdunnî
- Magallat Majma' al-lugha al-'arabiyya bil-Qâhira
- Majallat al-Minhâj
- Majallat ash-shu'arâ'
- Majallat al-'ulûm al-insâniyya ad-dawliyya
- Majallat 'ulûm insâniyya - Journal of Human Sciences
- Mamluk Studies Review
- Marburg Journal of Religion
- Marmara Üniversitesi Ilahiyat Fak. Dergisi
- Mathal/Mashal: Journal of Islamic and Judaic Multidisciplinary Studies
- McGill journal of Middle East studies
- Medieval Jewish Studies
- Medina Magazine: Architecture, Interiors, Fine Arts
- The Mediterranean World
- Méditerranée - Revue géographique des pays méditerranéens = Journal of Mediteranean geography
- Mediterranes
- MELA Notes - The Journal of the Middle East Librarians Association
- Melto
- MERIA Journal
- Middle East Economic Association: Newsletters
- Middle East Media Educator
- Middle East Quarterly
- Middle East Studies Association Bulletin
- Middle East Studies Online Journal
- MIFS Newsletter (French Interdisciplinary Mission in Sindh)
- Milel ve Nihal: İnanç, Kültür ve Mitoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi
- Mimar: Architecture in Development
- Min-Ad: Israel Studies in Musicology Online
- Minbar al-islâm
- Minority Rights Group International Reports
- Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos: Sección de Hebreo
- Monthly Ishrâq
- Muqarnas: An Annual on the Visual Culture of the Islamic World
- Music & Anthropology: Journal of Musical Anthropology of the Mediterranean
- Müze Çalışmaları ve Kurtarma Kazıları Sempozyumu Yayınları
- The Muslim Thinker
- Nehardea: Journal of the Babylonian Jewry Heritage Center
- Nafas Art Magazine: Contemporary Art from the Maghreb to the Middle East, from Central Asia to SE Asia
- An-Najah University Journal for Research - Humanities
- Al Nakhlah: The Fletcher School's online journal on Southwest Asia and Islamic Civilization
- Nāmah-'i Farhangistān = Name-ye Farhangestan = نامه فرهنگستان : quarterly journal of the Academy of Persian Language and Literature.
- Al-Nashra
- Near and Middle Eastern Journal of Research in Education
- New Horizons. Commentaries on the Modern Middle East
- New Middle Eastern Studies
- Newsletter of the Aga Khan Programs for Islamic Architecture
- Nida Dergisi
- Nizwa
- Novitas-ROYAL, Research on youth and language
- Nüsha. Şarkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi - A Journal of Oriental Studies
- Nusûs 'irâqiyya
- Oasis
- Occident & Orient
- Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
- ONE magazine
- Online - Heidelberg Journal of Religions on the Internet
- Online Journal of Baha'i Studies
- Oral Tradition
- Orient: A Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations Student Union Publication (formerly Journal of Near & Middle Eastern Studies)
- Orient Bulletin: History, Society and Culture in Asia, the Middle East and Africa
- Orient : report of the society for Near Eastern studies in Japan
- The oriental annual: containing a series of tales, legends, & historical romances
- Orientalia Suecana
- OTAM - Journal of the Center for Ottoman Studies, Ankara University
- Pakistan Journal of Library & Information Science
- Palestine-Israel : journal of politics, economics, and culture
- Palestinian annual strategic report
- Parole de l'Orient
- PASSIA Bulletins
- Perspectives (Woolf Institute)
- Perspectives Middle East (Heinrich Böll Stiftung)
- Perspectives in International Librarianship
- Proche-Orient Chrétien
- Qalam - Sufismo de Oriente y de Occidente
- Al-Qanṭara: Reviste de Estudios Árabes
- Al Qantir: Monografías y documentos sobre la historia de Tarifa
- Quaderns de la Mediterránia
- Rahavard Persian Journal: A Persian Journal of Iranian Studies
- Al-Raida
- Renaissance: A Monthly Islamic Journal
- Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos (REIM)
- Revue Africaine (Société historique algérienne)
- Revue annales du patrimoine / Majallat hawliyyât at-turâth
- Revue archeologique syrienne
- Revue des Lettres et de Traduction (USEK)
- Revue de l'Orient latin
- Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée
- Revue du monde musulman
- Revue Numismatique
- Revue Théologique de Kaslik (USEK)
- Revue Tunisienne
- Sada (formerly the Arab Reform Bulletin)
- Saudi Aramco World
- The Scribe - Journal of Babylonian Jewry
- Sefarad: Estudios hebraicos, sefardíes y de Oriente Próximo
- Shahadat
- Sharq al-Andalus
- Shi'a Studies
- Shingetsu Electronic Journal of Japanese-Islamic Relations (SEJJIR)
- Shingetsu Institute Newsletter
- Shu'un Tanmawiyyeh
- as-Sikka السكة The Online Journal of The Islamic Coins Group
- Sociology of Islam & Muslim Societies Newsletter
- Souffles: Revue Culturelle Arabe du Maghreb
- The status of human rights in Palestine : annual report
- Studia graeco-arabica
- Studia Islamica: New Series
- Studies in Contemporary Islam
- Studies in Islam and the Middle East
- Sudan notes and records
- Sudan Studies Association Newsletter
- Suhayl. International Journal for the History of the Exact and Natural Sciences in Islamic Civilisation
- Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
- Synergies Algérie
- Synergies Monde Arabe
- Synergies Monde Méditerranéen
- Synergies Turqie
- Syrian Studies Association Newsletter
- TAARII Newsletter: The American Academic Research Institute in Iraq
- Tasavvuf: İlmî ve Akademik Araştırma Dergisi
- Tassmeem
- Tavoos Art Magazine
- Al-Tawhid: A Quarterly Journal of Islamic Thought & Culture
- T. E. Lawrence Studies
- Têgeyştinî Rastî [1918-1919]
- Tidsskrift for Islamforskning
- Tiraz : Língua, Literatura e Cultura Árabe
- Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies
- Transeuropéennes: International Journal of Critical Thought
- Transoxiana: Journal Libre de Estudios Orientales
- Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi (1933-1997)
- Türk Arkeoloji ve Etnografya Dergisi
- Türk Etnografya Dergisi (1956-1997)
- Türk Kütüphaneciliği - Turkish Librarianship - [continuing Türk Kütüphaneciler Derneği Bülteni]
- Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni - Geological Bulletin of Turkey
- The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education
- Turkish Studies: International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic
- Turkish Yearbook of International Relations
- Turkologischer Anzeiger / Turkology Annual(TA)
- Tulaytula: Revista de la Asociación de Amigos del Toledo Islámico
- UAE Yearbook
- Uluslararası Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu Yayınları
- V&A Online Journal
- Vaseteh - Journal of the European Society for Iranian Studies
- Verde islam
- Villes et territoires du Moyen Orient
- Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
- The Washington Review of Turkish & Eurasian Affairs
- Web Journal on Cultural Patrimony (WJCP)
- Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal
- Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) Newsletters
- Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) Dossiers
- Yemen Update On-line: The AIYS Electronic Bulletin of Yemeni Studies
- Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft (ZDMG)
- Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete
- Zeitschrift für Semitistik und verwandte Gebiete
- Zeitschrift für die Welt der Türken - Journal of World Turks
- Zeitschrift für Indologie und Iranistik
- Zeitschrift für Islamische Studien
- Zeitschrift für die Religionslehre des Islam (ZRLI)