- 2012.04.09: Lee Fratantuono, Madness Transformed: a Reading of Ovid’s Metamorphoses.
- 2012.04.08: James J. O’Hara, Vergil. Aeneid Book 4. Focus Vergil Aeneid commentaries.
- 2012.04.07: Jennifer R. Ballengee, The Wound and the Witness. The Rhetoric of Torture.
- 2012.04.06: Lucia Athanassaki, Ewen Bowie, Archaic and Classical Choral Song: Performance, Politics and Dissemination. Trends in Classics – supplementary volumes, 10.
- 2012.04.05: Alberto Cavarzere, Gli arcani dell’oratore: alcuni appunti sull’actio dei romani. Agones. Studi, 2.
- 2012.04.04: Madalina Dana, Culture et mobilité dans le Pont-Euxin. Scripta antiqua, 37.
- 2012.04.03: Ioannis Fappas, Έλαιον ευώδες, τεθυωμένον: Τα αρωματικά έλαια και οι πρακτικές χρήσης τους στη μυκηναϊκή Ελλάδα και την αρχαία Εγγύς Ανατολή (14ος -13ος αι. π.Χ.). Κρητική Εστία, 13 (2009-2010).
- 2012.04.02: Manuela Callipo, Dionisio Trace e la tradizione grammaticale. Multa paucis, 9.
- 2012.03.59: Edward J. Kenney (ed.), Gioachino Chiarini, (trans.), Ovidio Metamorfosi. Volume IV. Libri VII-IX. Scrittori greci e latini.
- 2012.03.58: Elizabeth Schofield, Ayia Irini: the Western sector. Keos, 10.
- 2012.03.57: Andrew Erskine, The Hellenistic Stoa: Political Thought and Action. Second edition (first published 1990). Bristol Classical paperbacks.