Jake Kanter, 'Archaeologist concerned by ITV1 history series', 'Broadcast' magazine, 4 April, 2012
Does emphasising responsibility and restraint make good commercial TV, or does playing up the Treasure aspects make good commercial TV?
Jake Kanter, 'Archaeologist concerned by ITV1 history series', 'Broadcast' magazine, 4 April, 2012
The president of the Roman Finds Group archaeologist forum has raised concerns that ITV’s new landmark history series Britain’s Secret Treasures will encourage a damaging “gold rush” for valuable objects.[...] Roy Friendship-Taylor, a council member of Rescue - known as the British Archaeological Trust - and chairman of the Roman Finds Group said the series sounded “worthy”, but warned the ITV and the British Museum must “play down the treasure element”.[...] An ITV spokesman said: “The series will of course refer responsibly throughout to the best practice methods to be used by amateur archaeologists, as advised by the British Museum, and willfully [willingly? PMB] explain all aspects of the Treasure Act.Hmm. Once again we get the media referring to people who hunt artefacts to collect "amateur archaeologists". This is of course the influence of the PAS at work here. Of course there is a good deal more in archaeological best practice than "knowing the Treasure Act".
“The endorsement of the series by the Council of British Archaeology, and promotional hook up around their national event, the Festival of British Archaeology, which will run at the same time as the series transmission, will provide a proper outlet for people interested in knowing more about how to seek treasures, as well as corroborating material on how to do so responsibly.Really? The responsible thing to do on an archaeological site is not to "seek treasures" there. Is that the message this programme will be projecting? If so, good, if not - disaster.
Does emphasising responsibility and restraint make good commercial TV, or does playing up the Treasure aspects make good commercial TV?