Rama 2.0 complements app’s illustrated historicalwalks with curated culinary tours in cities around the world
BROOKLYN, NEW YORK – April 6, 2011-Crimson Bamboo LLC, a Brooklyn-based new media developer and publisher,announced a major update to their popular RAMA iPhone app today, including anew line of curated food tours and downloadable, “offline” maps.
The update to RAMA complements its award-winningline of historical walking tours with a new series of food tours, written bylocal experts in 22 locations around the world.
Organized around place-based culinarythemes including “Flavors of the Amazon” (Rio de Janeiro), “VegetarianManhattan” (New York City), and “Chengdu Street Snacks” (Chengdu, China), RAMAFood will not only lead users to great restaurants and outstanding flavors, butalso deliver cultural, historical, and culinary insights: Users will learnabout the one woman cooking machine behind the best ‘drunken noodles’ inBangkok, discover why Thursday is rice day in Barcelona, and get phoneticinstructions on how to order dishes in the local language.
“All of our food tours are writtenby noted food writers and local experts, and a lot of our authors have spent yearssearching for the best things to eat in their cities,” says RAMA Food editorLayne Mosler, herself a noted food writer also known as the Taxi Gourmet, who personallyselected each food tour author for the launch. “As with the history tours,we’ve focused on creating one-of-a-kind experiences by encouraging writers todraw on their creativity and their culinary expertise, as well as directlyprofit from tour sales. The resulting tours aren’t just examples of great foodwriting, they’re also designed to lead people to amazing food experiences.”
The RAMA 2.0 update will beavailable for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad on iTunes on April 6, and features 31new food tours covering cities from San Francisco and Shanghai to Austin and Dubai.
The update will also include a newfeature that allows users that have previously purchased a RAMA tour todownload a map of the city to use offline—a feature not currently available onApple’s native Maps app, which requires an active Internet connection.
RAMA tours are available as in-apppurchases once the app is downloaded, with tour prices ranging from $0.99 to$2.99. The app and update are free to download. Past Preservers is proud to be a producer of historical tours for Rama.
About RAMA: RAMA is a free-to-download app available for AppleiPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. In addition to providing a platform for in-depthfood tours of world cities written by noted food bloggers, RAMA also offers aline of historical walking tours, which show users how stops on the tour oncelooked in the past.
About Crimson Bamboo LLC: Crimson Bamboo LLC is a hybrid publishing andtechnology company founded in Brooklyn, New York in 2010.
Rama on iTunes:http://bit.ly/iTunesRama
Developerwebsite: http://www.crimsonbamboo.com