I learned today of the death of a Christian girl who was dearer to me than life. Worse, I only discovered the fact today. Apparently she is “long dead”, and I never knew. She died suddenly, I am told, barely in her 40′s. I don’t know how to grieve, given that the funeral is long past. And I do grieve. Pardon me if correspondence is brief, if at all.
…where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
She was a believer. I know that she is alive in Christ.
But everything feels weird. Very spacey. Not quite real. I can’t take any interest in the stuff I normally spend my life on. What’s the point?
The things I worry about — like saving for my old age. Did she do that? Well, she was a prudent girl, and doubtless she made provision. Didn’t matter, dying at 40, did it?